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ICAEW urges members to share their UK customs experiences


Published: 16 Feb 2022 Update History

HMRC and HM Treasury issue call for evidence on the UK’s customs system.

Following the UK’s exit from the EU and the end of the transition period, issues concerning the UK border have frequently been in the news. In December 2020, the government published its 2025 UK Border Strategy. This set out the government’s vision for the UK border to be the most effective in the world. 

The government is seeking to make it as straightforward as possible for businesses to comply with customs requirements, while protecting its fiscal interests, and upholding the UK’s internationally recognised high regulatory and security standards at the border.

This call for evidence invites views on three areas:

  • the customs intermediary sector;
  • the simplified customs declarations process (SCDP); and
  • the transit facilitation.

ICAEW intends to respond to this call for evidence. To do so, it urges members in business with direct experience (eg, traders, intermediaries, freight forwarders, fast parcels operators and hauliers) or members in practice who provide advice to these businesses, to share their thoughts and experiences.

Please email your thoughts on the questions posed in the call for evidence to Neil Gaskell by 31 March 2022.

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