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Highlights from the broader tax news for the week ending 5 October 2022, including: a new Starter Checklist for employees; extension of the Trader Support Service; and information for customers of Tax Credits Ltd.

New Starter Checklist

The Starter Checklist has been developed into online interactive guidance that allows a new employee to answer a series of questions and select the appropriate answers to their circumstances. This will produce a new starter declaration which can then be downloaded and emailed or posted to the employer.   

This interactive checklist has been developed as nearly three million RTI submissions were received in 2021/22 for new starters that contained discrepancies. The new guidance will help to avoid postage costs, incorrect tax being applied, and should save employees and employers time and the need for contact with HMRC.

For those taxpayers that require a print and post service, the Starter Checklist has been amended to reflect the interactive guidance and can be printed from GOV.UK.

Trader Support Service extended by 12 months

The Trader Support Service (TSS) helps businesses moving goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It was due to close on 31 December 2022, but the service has been extended by 12 months. It will now close on 31 December 2023 (unless it is extended further).

The TSS consists of a free-to-use digital platform that provides support to manage digital declarations. This includes import declarations and safety and security declarations.

Businesses moving goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland can sign up to the Trader Support Service and access free online courses and training materials.

HMRC shares information for customers of Tax Credits Ltd

A large number of taxpayers who have reclaimed tax payments using the repayment agent Tax Credits Ltd since December 2021 will be due a direct refund from HMRC. HMRC has shared information setting out:

  • who has been affected and why;
  • what will be repaid; and
  • when and how the repayments will be made.
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