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Highlights from the broader tax news for the two weeks ending 23 August 2023, including: P11D concession for insolvency practitioners; a gender equal tax system in Europe; VAT refunds for organisations not registered for VAT; new HMRC toolkit; and HMRC contact information.

Submission of P11Ds by insolvency practitioners

HMRC announced in February 2023 that it would no longer accept paper P11D and P11D(b) forms for the 2022/23 tax year and future tax years. However, HMRC has recognised that it may not be possible for insolvency practitioners to submit these forms online for businesses that has gone into insolvency, either in year or following the end of the tax year.

HMRC has therefore introduced a temporary concession to allow insolvency practitioners to continue to submit paper returns using their own P11D/P11D(b) equivalent, or in a letter format. A covering letter is required to help HMRC identify the form as originating from an insolvency practitioner. Read more.

A gender equal tax system in Europe

On 4 July, PwC Director Jacomien van den Hurk hosted a podcast conversation with guest speakers from the European Parliament, European Commission, and others, including ICAEW’s Alison Ring, to discuss the key features of the tax system that can be designed to help reduce gender inequality. Listen to the podcast.

Claim a VAT refund as an organisation not registered for VAT

Certain organisations, including local authorities, academies, public bodies, and eligible charities can claim back VAT that relates to their non-business activities. Where these organisations are not VAT-registered, the VAT can be reclaimed through an online service. Historically, local authorities had three years to make a claim in this way. This has now been increased to four years to bring local authorities in line with academies, public bodies, and eligible charities.

New assurance of remittance toolkit to be launched by HMRC

The toolkit is aimed at helping tax advisers consider whether taxable remittance of income and gains have been made taxpayers using the remittance basis of taxation. It contains a checklist addressing key areas of risk in relation to determining taxable remittance. HMRC expects the toolkit to be published in October 2023.

Contacting HMRC

A popular ICAEW resource, HMRC contact information, has been updated. Please contact Caroline Miskin if you have any corrections or suggestions for this page.

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