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HMRC continues to consult on border processes


Published: 10 Jul 2023 Update History

Calls for evidence launched on temporary admission and the future of customs declarations.

HMRC is trying to better understand how the customs system is working for traders and the border industry. It has published two calls for evidence relating to customs and the UK border. These calls for evidence are the latest in a series of consultations aimed at simplifying customs procedures. 

The first, The future of customs declarations, seeks views on potential simplifications to customs declarations. The call for evidence also considers the use of technology to facilitate declarations and other customs processes.  

This call for evidence will be of interest to traders of all sizes making either import or export movements, including prospective traders. It also includes traders who make their own declarations, or who use a customs intermediary. Customs intermediaries and software providers may also wish to respond. 

HMRC is holding a webinar regarding this call for evidence on 13 July 2023. Policy officials will explain the questions and how to respond. If you would like to attend this webinar, please contact HMRC by 11 July. 

The second call for evidence, Bringing goods into the UK temporarily, considers how HMRC can improve the temporary admission procedure in the UK. HMRC is looking to simplify the process for traders and individuals. 

This call for evidence may be of interest to all traders and their agents. It is likely to be of particular interest to those in the creative, cultural, sports and leisure sectors. 

The consultation periods close on 8 September and 22 September 2023 respectively. ICAEW will be actively engaging with HMRC on both calls for evidence through roundtable sessions. Written responses will also be submitted.  

Any comments you would like to be considered for inclusion in ICAEW’s responses should be emailed to Ed Saltmarsh no later than 31 July 2023. 

The calls for evidence follow a live consultation on Introducing a voluntary standard for customs intermediaries. ICAEW will also be responding to this. Find more information on the voluntary standard for customs intermediaries

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