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ICAEW calls on the next government to simplify tax system


Published: 12 Feb 2024 Update History

ICAEW recommends the publication of a tax simplification roadmap and investment in HMRC to improve performance and digital services.
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Ahead of a parliamentary election in 2024, ICAEW has called on the next government to: 

  • publish an overarching tax strategy including a tax simplification roadmap. Complexity and cliff edges in the tax system inhibit activity that would otherwise generate tax receipts. This can be addressed though meaningful tax simplification, which requires a clear plan, focused resources, accountability and investment;
  • ensure that tax policy changes can be implemented digitally and invest in HMRC to develop better digital services. This will reduce administrative burdens and save time for HMRC and taxpayers. However, ICAEW believes that the design of making tax digital (MTD) requires improvement and strongly opposes quarterly reporting for MTD for self assessment; and
  • address HMRC service standards and encourage HMRC to be more efficient and effective. ICAEW receives evidence of unacceptable HMRC service from members almost daily. Investing in HMRC to address poor performance will remove a barrier to growth and productivity.  

The recommendations are made in ICAEW’s manifesto, which sets out ICAEW’s vision for a renewed and resilient UK.  

Read the full manifesto

See ICAEW's recommendations for the UK government in full, including actions to be taken and commitments to be made, that will ensure the resilience of the economy.

Manifesto 2024: ICAEW's vision for a renewed and resilient UK
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