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Highlights from the broader tax news for the week ending 7 February 2024, including: an update from HMRC on postmasters and self assessment; the transition to CDS for exports; and consultations on changes relevant to alcohol duty and legacy public service pension schemes.

Horizon data and self assessment

HMRC has updated its guidance for postmasters to address the use of Horizon data. Where a postmaster has used Horizon data in their self assessment tax returns, and thinks they may have paid an incorrect amount of tax as a result, they should contact HMRC’s dedicated support team.

Transition to CDS for exports

All traders making export declarations must move from HMRC’s CHIEF system to the customs declarations service (CDS) by 30 March 2024.

As part of the transition, traders will not be able to send consolidation or movement messages via the CHIEF national export system from 9 February 2024. Traders that use this service should contact the HMRC CDS exports team to request access to the CDS ‘make and manage an export declaration online’ service.

Exporters that have not yet switched to CDS should consider joining ICAEW’s webinar on 8 February 2024.

Alcohol duty review

HMRC has published draft regulations relating to the second phase of its alcohol duty review. The regulations aim to ensure that the administration of alcohol approvals, returns and payments operate as intended. HMRC is seeking views on the draft statutory instrument by 18 March 2024.

Consultation on legacy public service pension schemes

HMRC has published draft regulations relating to the calculation of the pension input amount for legacy public service pension schemes, following the changes to the annual allowance. HMRC is inviting feedback on the draft legislation by 26 February 2024.

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