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Tax news in brief

Author: ICAEW Insights

Published: 26 Jun 2024

Highlights from the broader tax news for the week ending 26 June 2024, including: HMRC guidance on temporary issues with the customs declaration service; and a summary of international tax developments.

HMRC warns of issues with CDS

HMRC is aware of issues with licence data flows between the customs declaration service (CDS) and the Department for Business and Trade's (DBT) electronic licensing systems (SPIRE/LITE). According to HMRC, these temporary issues occur when a CDS export declaration contains errors which impact the licence. This means the declaration cannot progress to a cleared status. HMRC has published guidance for declarants on how to deal with the issues and is working with the DBT to resolve the situation.

International tax round-up

CFE Tax Advisers Europe (CFE) has published a summary of its top five tax developments for the period from 5 to 19 June 2024. This includes the publication of:

  • the terms of reference for the United Nations’ Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation; and
  • OECD guidance intended to ensure consistent implementation and application of the global minimum tax under Pillar Two.
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