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Help for members working in tax to meet CPD requirements

Author: ICAEW Insights

Published: 25 Mar 2024

Thinking of using the Easter holidays to keep up to date in tax, and to complete some Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours? ICAEW’s Tax Faculty can help you do it.

ICAEW’s CPD requirements changed with effect from 1 November 2023. Members must identify which of three CPD categories they fall into and complete the minimum number of CPD hours for that category. Category 3 has the lowest number of minimum hours (for those working in practice this is 20 hours, of which 10 must be verifiable) and Category 1 the highest (for those working in practice 40 hours, of which 30 must be verifiable). See here for further guidance.  

ICAEW’s Tax Faculty provides a range of content that can help members keep up to date, and which may count as CPD depending on the circumstances. This includes news; practical articles and more in TAXline; detailed guidance in TAXguides; webinars; and The Tax Track Podcast, which launched in January 2024. 

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In case you missed it, the most popular content over the last few months includes: 

ICAEW members have unrestricted access to these materials and can join the Tax Faculty for no additional cost. It is possible to register now for webinars coming-up in April on recent and upcoming changes to payroll, rewards and employment taxes, expanding the cash basis and making tax digital (MTD).  

Eligible ICAEW member firms also have free access to Bloomsbury Professional’s comprehensive online library, which comprises of around 80 titles from some of the country’s leading tax and accounting experts. The service provides integrated and up-to-date legislation, HMRC manuals, case summaries and current awareness to support firms in advising clients. 

If you have feedback on ICAEW’s tax content, or suggestions for areas you would like to see covered in future articles, TAXguides or webinars, please contact Stephen Relf

The Tax Faculty

ICAEW's Tax Faculty is recognised internationally as a leading authority and source of expertise on taxation. The faculty is the voice of tax for ICAEW, responsible for all submissions to the tax authorities. Join the Faculty for expert guidance and support enabling you to provide the best advice on tax to your clients or business.

Further resources

Latest news
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Stay up to date with the latest developments in tax by signing up to the Tax Faculty's weekly e-newsletter

Practical guidance

Comprehensive support for Tax practitioners each month from the Tax Faculty and expert contributors.

Technical support
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Expert advice from the Tax Faculty's technical managers on all the developments in tax policy and practice.