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ICAEW’s tax content can help you keep up to date

Author: ICAEW Insights

Published: 03 Mar 2025

Get up to speed with the hot topics in tax and meet your continuing professional development (CPD) obligations. See our latest updates on MTD for income tax, R&D tax relief, payrolling benefits in kind, employee ownership trusts and VAT.

MTD for income tax 

Making Tax Digital (MTD) for income tax is being phased in for sole traders and landlords from April 2026. ICAEW has published a range of guidance, from news articles to detailed guidance, all of which can be accessed at ICAEW’s MTD hub.  

Guidance published in recent months includes: 

  • a short video explaining the basics of MTD income tax;
  • a news article setting out HMRC’s plans to begin writing to taxpayers from April 2025;
  • a series of articles from Rebecca Benneyworth on preparing your practice for MTD, including testing the system, reviewing clients’ needs and managing workflows:
  • an episode of the Tax Track podcast exploring the benefits of testing MTD income tax; and
  • a quiz that you can use to identify gaps in your knowledge.  

Research and development tax relief 

Research and development (R&D) tax relief continues to be a challenging environment due to changes to the rules, to the process for making a claim and to HMRC’s compliance approach.  

This was the subject an episode of the Tax Track podcast where Tax Faculty staff explored recent developments, including a new HMRC disclosure facility (also explained in a tax news article) and the decisions in some high-profile tax cases.  A TAXline article published alongside the podcast sets out the current position in numbers. 

For further information, see ICAEW’s R&D tax relief hub

Mandatory payrolling of benefits in kind 

The government has said it will mandate the reporting of income tax and class 1A national insurance contributions for most benefits in kind (BiKs) through pay-as –you-earn in real time. This is a significant change for employers, taking effect from April 2026. 

Tax Faculty staff explained what employers can do to prepare in an episode of the Tax Track podcast. A recent tax news article sets out ICAEW’s concerns with the government’s proposals, based on a representation sent to HMRC.  

For a reminder of changes affecting employers from April 2025, see this TAXline article

Employee ownership trusts (EOTs) 

In a series of articles for TAXline, Nick Wright sets out the basics of EOTs, including the pros and cons and the typical structure, and takes an in-depth look at the tax reliefs. Finance Bill 2024-25 makes significant changes to EOTs. Read more in this tax news article.  


ICAEW continues to publish content for its campaign discussing how to fix VAT. Visit the hub to learn more and test your knowledge with the VAT quiz

Also in VAT, recent TAXline articles have explored the implications of the latest decision in the Sonder Europe Ltd tour operators’ margin scheme case, and HMRC’s new guidelines on VAT compliance controls.    


Eligible ICAEW member firms also have free access to Bloomsbury Professional’s comprehensive online library, which comprises of around 80 titles from some of the country’s leading tax and accounting experts.   

The service provides integrated and up-to-date legislation, HMRC manuals, case summaries and current awareness to support firms in advising clients. ICAEW’s recent changes to its AddCPD tool now means that reading these books can contribute to members’ verifiable CPD hours.  

Feedback and suggestions

If you have feedback on ICAEW’s tax content, or suggestions for areas that you would like to see covered in future articles, TAXguides or webinars, please contact Stephen Relf.

The Tax Faculty

ICAEW's Tax Faculty is recognised internationally as a leading authority and source of expertise on taxation. The faculty is the voice of tax for ICAEW, responsible for all submissions to the tax authorities. Join the Faculty for expert guidance and support enabling you to provide the best advice on tax to your clients or business.

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