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Viewpoints on the news during February 2020

Opinions and news analysis, covering the worlds of business and accountancy.

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Budget 2021: bring businesses back from the rates cliff edge


1 March 2021: Extending the business rates holiday for struggling companies in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors should be a key announcement in next week’s Budget speech, a poll of chartered accountants has found.

Imposter Syndrome: the lived experience


1 March 2021: Mental health speaker Nick Elston shares his experience of living with and overcoming Imposter Syndrome on stage and outlines what chartered accountants can learn from this.

Chart of the week: an unsustainable path


26 February 2021: The Chancellor needs to build a bridge to economic recovery in his first Budget on Wednesday, focusing on jobs, exports and investment. But with the OBR’s official projections showing public debt to be on an unsustainable path, what vision will he set out for the public finances in the long-term?

Chancellor needs to think strategically as he doles out the cash


25 February 2021: Spring Budget 2021 will inevitably focus on the near-term need to support jobs, exports and investment in building a bridge to economic recovery. However, the Chancellor also needs to outline a vision on how to repair the public balance sheet and how to put the public finances onto a sustainable path.

ECA calls for better exchange and analysis of tax data


25 February 2021: Fair and effective taxation in the single market continues to be hampered by insufficient sharing of tax information, according to a recent report issued by the European Court of Auditors.

The role of carbon offsetting in 2021


As efforts to reduce carbon ramps up globally, offsetting has become a necessary element of corporations’ drive to counter their emissions.

Showing 10 of 75 items