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Breaking down social barriers together

Author: ICAEW Insights

Published: 23 Sep 2024

As we celebrate National Inclusion Week (23-29 September), opportunities for ICAEW members to help remove social barriers to success are plentiful, working together as a profession to have a greater impact.

When Labour stated in its election manifesto that “breaking the pernicious link between background and success” would be a defining mission for the party, it sent out a clear message about the importance of social mobility. 

ICAEW has been a longstanding champion of actions to remove the barriers created by social background, and is committed to spurring on activities to address social inequalities – not only in the accountancy profession, but more broadly across the business landscape. 

What becomes increasingly obvious is the power of collective action to make a difference to individuals’ life opportunities, regardless of their socio-economic background. With that in mind, ICAEW is calling on members and member firms to step up and amplify efforts in driving change and delivering impact. 

Indeed, the theme for National Inclusion Week 2024 is ‘Impact Matters’, a call to action for people at all levels within an organisation – whether they are leaders, teams or individuals.

ICAEW COO Sharron Gunn has been chair of Access Accountancy (AA) since August last year. The initiative is a collaboration of more than 25 organisations and professional bodies, including ICAEW, dedicated to improving access to – and progression within – the accountancy profession in the UK.

As the kid from a council estate, Gunn is very aware of the power access to advice, information and opportunity can have in helping individuals thrive in the accountancy profession and beyond, regardless of their backgrounds. “I had no idea what accountancy was but, luckily, I had a mentor who persuaded me that it would be a good career for me. I think the hardest thing is knowing the profession even exists,” Gunn says. 

“Having work experience of any description is the one thing I look for in a person; someone who shows they have a work ethic, whatever their background. It could be life-changing for them to have the chance to work in an accountancy office for a couple of weeks over the summer.”

Emma Thorogood is Head of Corporate Affairs at PwC, a founding member of AA. “As a major employer,” she says, “we believe we can play a positive role in increasing social mobility through our recruitment, development and progression, community and advocacy activities. We believe that someone’s future should be determined by their talent, not their background.

Those firms already involved in Access Accountancy are passionate about the initiative. “Access Accountancy encourages organisations to open their doors to young people from diverse backgrounds, gather data on their applicants and workforce, and further develop their efforts to increase socioeconomic diversity,” Thorogood says. But this problem can’t be solved unless we work together, she adds. 

More AA signatories are definitely needed, Gunn says. “Articulating the benefits that a diverse workforce brings to firms is key, and we want to stress that being part of Access Accountancy is more than a tick-box exercise.”

Data on work experience, hiring, workforce diversity and progression are collected from signatories and analysed to gain a better understanding of the socio-economic diversity of the sector. “Collecting data can be seen as hard work, so Access Accountancy is going to start collecting data from our signatory firms and embedding this into our processes, which will take time and will remove a barrier to entry,” Gunn explains.

“ICAEW will fund entry into Access Accountancy for member firms for the 2025 financial year, ensuring we become more inclusive. And we will also set up a group aimed at professional bodies, gather the data, and promote Access Accountancy widely.”

Meanwhile, the Rise social mobility initiative championed by ICAEW continues to go from strength to strength. The UK-wide scheme offers students from low socio-economic backgrounds an opportunity to gain skills relevant for the workplace.

In the past academic year, 49,500 students aged 14-16 were reached through Rise. Supported by more than 650 volunteers, the programme delivers workshops and KS4 school resources to help pupils develop skills and better understand different career paths.

  • If your firm would like to become an Access Accountancy signatory, please get in touch.

Access Accountancy

Access Accountancy is a collaboration of more than 25 organisations and professional bodies dedicated to improving access to, and progression within, the accountancy profession in the UK.

Logo of Access Accountancy - white step shape on dark teal background

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