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FRC updates resources to reflect reporting threshold changes

Author: ICAEW Insights

Published: 26 Mar 2025

The Financial Reporting Council has updated relevant documents on UK reporting thresholds ahead of the changes that come into effect from 6 April.

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has updated relevant existing publications on UK reporting thresholds, in response to the government’s changes, due to come into effect from 6 April 2025. The FRC has published a summary document that outlines the changes alongside this.

The threshold changes are designed to reduce reporting burdens on smaller businesses, shifting the turnover and balance sheet criteria by around 50%. This moves thousands of companies into smaller size classifications for the purpose of financial reporting, allowing them to produce simpler reports.

The FRC has issued the following publications to help stakeholders understand and meet their reporting responsibilities:

“The government’s new threshold changes are designed to reduce and simplify the reporting burden for thousands of small and medium-sized businesses, which are the backbone of the UK economy,” said Jenny Carter, the FRC’s Director of Accounting and Reporting Policy. “To support the new changes the FRC has updated a suite of relevant publications and issued a summary document so that eligible businesses have clarity on the new framework and are able to take advantage of the simplification in reporting requirements.”

More information on changes

ICAEW has published more detail on the new regulations increasing company size thresholds and removing certain requirements from the Directors’ Report.

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