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Use these forms to inform us of any changes to your students' circumstances or to your organisation’s training personnel.

Re-registering a student

Use this form to re-register a student who is already part-way through ACA training. You will need to provide both the student's and training office details.   

Amend a training agreement

Use this form to amend a training agreement. Amendments that can be made to training agreements include extensions (beyond 3 months), suspensions and a change of office. You will need to provide information on the training office, your student’s details and details of the change you are making to the training agreement. 

Cancel a training agreement 

If you want to cancel a training agreement, you can do this via the online training file

Change a qualified person responsible for training (QPRT)

Use this form to notify us of a change in the QPRT in your organisation. You will need to provide details of both the current and new QPRT.  

Appoint a counsellor

Use this form to appoint a counsellor in your organisation to support the QPRT. You will need to provide information on the training office, as well as details of the QPRT / PRT and the details of the person you are appointing as the counsellor. 

Appoint an ACA student manager

Use this form to appoint an ACA student manager. You will need to provide information on the training office, as well as details of the QPRT / PRT and the details of the person you are appointing as the student manager. 

Register as a training office group

Use this form to register as a training office group. This will recognise a group of offices within the same organisation that operate as one business unit and has common training policies and working practices. You will need to nominate one office to be the principal office, which will be the ‘head’ office for training purposes and provide details of all subsidiary offices. 

Appoint a person responsible for training (PRT)

Use this form to appoint a PRT in your organisation. This role only exists in subsidiary offices within a training office group. You will need to provide information on the subsidiary office, as well as the details of the person you are appointing as the PRT.

Have a question?

If you need any support or have a question on ACA training, please contact us.

Contact us