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Learning at Work Week: connect, engage and grow with ICAEW Training Vacancies

Author: ICAEW

Published: 08 May 2024

This Learning at Work Week, find out how your organisation can harness the power of Training Vacancies, ICAEW’s trainee recruitment platform, to connect, engage, and grow the next generation of chartered accountants.

Taking place from 13 to 19 May 2024, Learning at Work Week (LAW Week) aims to shine a light on the importance and benefits of continual learning and development. The theme for Learning at Work Week 2024 is ‘Learning Power’, exploring how lifelong and continual learning gives individuals and organisations the power to change, grow and achieve. Organisations of all sizes and sectors are invited to take part by Campaign for Learning, to address skills and knowledge gaps, and drive awareness of learning opportunities.

Explore how Training Vacancies, our recruitment platform exclusive to Authorised Training Employers, can help your organisation to channel its ‘Learning Power’ during LAW Week and beyond. 

Power to connect

At its heart, Training Vacancies acts as a connection point between you and the next generation of chartered accountants. Allowing you to seek out and connect with quality talent looking to study the ACA with an organisation just like yours. And, with fully integrated application and contact methods, you can easily keep track of your connected candidates within the platform.  

Power to engage

With Training Vacancies, engaging potential trainees has never been easier. Our built-in CV search allows you to view a list of students looking to start or continue their studies, and using your own criteria, you can filter candidates by required attributes; ensuring the candidates applying for your vacancy are a good fit.  

You can also benefit from publishing student facing blogs across the platform, showing potential candidates what they can expect from a career at your organisation or expand your reach further and engage with students through our ‘Job of the Week’ series. Contact us to find out more about these features.

Power to grow

From addressing skills gaps by developing trainees through the ACA, to future proofing your talent pipeline by attracting forward thinking leaders, Training Vacancies is here to support continual growth in your organisation. Leverage peak recruitment windows with our guidance and top tips or keep your roles running to attract and grow fresh talent year-round.

Getting started with ICAEW Training Vacancies

No matter your trainee recruitment needs, Training Vacancies can support your efforts to connect, engage and grow talented individuals. 

If you are already authorised to train with ICAEW, simply register for your Training Vacancies account today to start posting vacancies free of charge. Take a look at our step-by-step guide to find out more. 

If you are not yet an ICAEW Authorised Training Employer, start the process with these three easy steps - allowing you to train ACA students and utilise the Training Vacancies platform to recruit your first trainee. 


Get in touch

Learn more about ICAEW Training Vacancies and register your interest to speak to our dedicated team.

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