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Corporate Finance qualification (study route)

The Corporate Finance qualification confirms the expertise and experience of leading specialists in corporate finance. It enhances your credibility and supports your status as a highly valued professional. Once you gain the qualification, you will be eligible to use the CF designatory letters.

Man smiling



Successful applicants will be awarded with the CF designation.


No additional study required (if you meet the entry requirements)


Awarded by CISI in partnership with ICAEW


No application or study fees.


Enhances credibility and supports your status as a highly valued professional.

What is the Corporate Finance qualification study route?

For individuals aiming to accelerate their corporate finance career and for organisations interested in integrating a CF qualification in their development programmes, ICAEW in partnership with the CISI has created the most progressive series of programmes for the development and recognition of corporate finance expertise.

Corporate Finance qualification (study route) at a glance

Contact the team

For further information or advice on the CF qualification:

+44 (0)1908 248 250 cfqualification@icaew.com