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Corporate Finance qualification (experience route)

As a specialist in the field of corporate finance, you can gain recognition for your skills and expertise by obtaining the CF designation through the Corporate Finance qualification experience route.

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CF designation is gained by a demonstration of your experience rather than a formal exam.


Complete your application at any time through the year.


No time required out of the office - there are no exams to sit.


Applications are reviewed by our panel of corporate finance experts, ensuring professional sector expertise.


Recognition at a senior level as a specialist in the field of corporate finance.


Successful applicants are awarded the CF designation to show their achievement.

What is the Corporate Finance qualification experience route?

As a specialist in the field of corporate finance, you can gain recognition for your skills and expertise by obtaining the CF designation through the Corporate Finance qualification experience route. Designed for senior and experienced corporate financiers, the CF experience route will formally recognise your achievements in corporate finance. Those applying through this route will be expected to have at least five years’ experience and provide evidence that they have played the lead advisory role in no fewer than six transactions over the past five years.

Corporate Finance qualification (experience route) at a glance

  • Duration
    It takes 2-3 days to compile the submission.
  • Entry requirements
    • Senior professionals who have over five years’ experience in corporate finance are eligible to apply.
    • You must be currently working in a corporate finance role or another relevant role where corporate finance forms a substantial part of that role and at a senior management and/or leadership level position.
  • What's involved?
    If you meet our entry criteria, all you need to do is submit an application form.
  • Cost
    • Submission
      £796 + VAT for ICAEW members
      £995 + VAT for non-members
    • Resubmission
      The cost of each resubmission is £788.00 + VAT.
  • Results
    16 December 2025
  • Submission deadline
    2 October 2025

Contact the team

For further information or advice on the CF qualification:

+44 (0)1908 248 250 cfqualification@icaew.com