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Corporate Finance qualification (study route)

For individuals aiming to accelerate their corporate finance career and for organisations interested in integrating a CF qualification in their development programmes, ICAEW in partnership with the CISI has created the most progressive series of programmes for the development and recognition of corporate finance expertise

Man smiling



Three programmes available based on your experience.


Opportunity to join a professional network of corporate financiers with ICAEW’s Corporate Finance Faculty.


On successful completion of the Corporate Finance qualification you will receive the designatory letters, CF, which demonstrates your achievements.

Study route at a glance

There are three Corporate Finance programmes available to you: the Certificate in Corporate Finance, the Diploma in Corporate Finance and the Corporate Finance qualification. You can join the programmes at the stage that suits your previous experience and qualifications.

These programmes progressively equip the most talented individuals with the practical knowledge, skills and expertise, adding to their day to day business experience and enhancing the value they can bring to the organisations they work with.
Corporate Finance programmes

View different routes and further information

People looking at a document
Certificate in corporate finance

An important first step in developing the essential basic knowledge required for being involved in corporate finance.

Five people at desk.
Diploma in Corporate Finance

Equips talented individuals with advanced corporate finance knowledge, skills and expertise. It enhances the value they bring to the organisations they work with and helps accelerate their own careers.

 Business meeting
Corporate Finance qualification (study route)

Confirms the expertise and experience of leading specialists in corporate finance. It enhances credibility and supports their status as highly valued professionals.

Two women studying
Building your career in Corporate Finance

Hear tips and inspiration from Victoria Giles, Amrit Mahbubani and Soham Gehani along their unique career journeys in corporate finance.

View the Corporate Finance qualification experience route
As a specialist in the field of corporate finance, you can gain recognition for your skills and expertise by obtaining the CF designation through the Corporate Finance qualification experience route. Designed for senior and experienced corporate financiers, the CF experience route will formally recognise your achievements in corporate finance. Those applying through this route will be expected to have at least five years’ experience and provide evidence that they have played the lead advisory role in no fewer than six transactions over the past five years.
Frequently asked questions about the Corporate Finance qualification.

Contact the team

For further information or advice on the CF qualification:

+44 (0)1908 248 250 cfqualification@icaew.com