Your step-by-step guide taking you through the application process.
How to apply: Step-by-step instructions
Step one: download the Examination of Experience
To apply for the DChA experience route, you must complete an Examination of Experience which will ask you to answer a series of questions on your experience to date. Download your copy of the Examination of Experience application form and guidance notes.
If you have a question about the Examination of Experience or your eligibility to apply, please view the frequently asked questions. Alternatively, you can call +44 (0)1908 248 250 or email us.
Step two: approaching your application
To help you prepare your application, we have put together some sample scripts, as well as guidance and top tips from the assessors (PDF 46KB/4 pages).
Step three: start compiling your application
You should expect to spend at least two days considering, writing and reviewing your answers to the requirements of the Examination of Experience. A good first step is to update your CV; this will help you to identify the best examples to use. You may also find it beneficial to discuss your application with a colleague to help you to identify other examples.
Start each answer on a new page and type the requirement at the top of your answer sheet, so that you can easily refer to it when compiling your answer and use personal experiences in your own words. For each question there is an 'a' and 'b' option relevant to whether you work for a charity or in practice supporting charity clients.
You also need to complete your personal details and mandatory declarations.
Step four: complete the reflective CV
You are required to include a copy of your reflective CV in your application which details your charity finance and accounting experience, and reflects on what you have learnt from each of these experiences. The Examination of Experience details the information to be provided; you can also view the example reflective CV (PDF 22KB/1 page).
Step five: complete the reference section
Your application must also be supported by a reference. Your referee must confirm that they support your application by explaining why in their opinion you are suitable for this award. They must also explain how long and in what capacity they have known you.
Your referee must:
- Be a member of the Board of Trustees of the charity with which you have most dealings (i.e, either work for or give advice to); OR be a member of a professional body with an ethical code (for example ICAEW, ICAS, CAI, CIMA, CIPFA, ACCA, Law Society, Bar Council)
- Have known you in a professional capacity for at least three of the last five years
- Have knowledge of the quality and scope of your work (if you have recently changed jobs, you may provide one reference each from your current and previous employment, a maximum of two references).
If there is no appropriate person within your organisation, you may nominate someone outside your organisation who has detailed knowledge of your professional work.
Step six: submit your application
There are two submission deadlines per year. You may attempt the DChA experience route up to a maximum of four times.
When you submit your application, it must consist of the following:
- Completed application form
- Completed mandatory declarations
- Completed assessment requirements of the Examination of Experience
- A copy of your reflective CV
- A reference supporting your application and explaining your suitability for this award
- Once your application has been reviewed, a member of the team will contact you with payment details to make your application payment of £822 (£685 + VAT). Please note that the application will remain on hold until full payment has been received.
Please do not attach any additional supporting material to your application.
If your application is successful, you will become a DChA award holder and acquire the DChA designatory letters. You will also have the opportunity to appear on a professional online register and are invited to join our free Charity Community to stay up-to-date with developments in charity reporting, tax and governance.
Sample scripts
How to re-apply
Step one: download the resubmission Examination of Experience
To re-apply for the DChA experience route, you must complete the resubmission Examination of Experience.
If you have a question about the Examination of Experience or your eligibility to apply, please view the frequently asked questions. Alternatively, you can call +44 (0)1908 248 250 or email us.
Step two: re-approaching your application
To help you prepare your resubmission, we have put together some sample scripts, as well as, guidance and top tips from the assessors.
Step three: start compiling your resubmission
Start by reviewing the comments made by the assessors in your feedback and results letter. To re-apply, you need to re-attempt any requirements of the Examination of Experience where you received 0 to 5 marks for requirements 1-6.
You may also wish to re-attempt any requirements 1-6, if you received 6 and 10 marks. Re-attempting these may help lift your total mark.
If you failed Requirement 7 or Requirement 8, it may also be advisable to submit revised answers to requirements marked as a pass if they contained errors of language or lacked ethical issues respectively.
More information and advice on answering each requirement is included within the resubmission Examination of Experience application form and guidance notes.
You also need to complete your personal details and mandatory declarations.
Step four: complete the reflective CV
You are required to include a copy of your reflective CV again within your application. You may use the same reflective CV that you included in your previous submission. However, if a substantial amount of time has passed since your last submission, you will need to update your reflective CV.
Your reflective CV should detail your charity finance and accounting experience, and reflect on what you have learnt from each of these experiences. The resubmission Examination of Experience details the information to be provided; you can also view the example reflective CV.
Step five: complete the reference section
Your application must again be supported by a reference. If you wish, you may use the same referee from your previous submission.
Your referee must confirm that they support your application by explaining why in their opinion you are suitable for this award. They must also explain how long and in what capacity they have known you.
If you use a new referee they must:
- Be a member of the Board of Trustees of the charity with which you have most dealings (ie, either work for or give advice to); OR be a member of a professional body with an ethical code (for example ICAEW, ICAS, CAI, CIMA, CIPFA, ACCA, Law Society, Bar Council)Be a member of a professional body with an ethical code (for example ICAEW, ICAS, CAI, CIMA, CIPFA, ACCA, Law Society, Bar Council)
- Have known you in a professional capacity for at least three of the last five years
- Have knowledge of the quality and scope of your work (if you have recently changed jobs, you may provide one reference each from your current and previous employment, a maximum of two references)
Step six: submit your application
There are two submission deadlines per year. You may attempt the DChA experience route up to a maximum of four times.
When you submit your application, it must consist of the following:
- Completed application form
- Completed mandatory declarations
- Completed resubmission of the Examination of Experience
- A copy of your reflective CV
- A reference supporting your application and explaining your suitability for this award
- Once your resubmission application has been reviewed, a member of the team will contact you with payment details to make your resubmission payment of £600 (£500 + VAT). Please note that the application will remain on hold until full payment has been received.
Please do not attach any additional supporting material to your application.
If your application is successful, you will become a DChA award holder and acquire the DChA designatory letters. You will also have the opportunity to appear on a professional, online register and gain free subscription to the Charity Community.
The Diploma in Charity Accounting has helped me to validate the depth, breadth and value of my experience and has demonstrated my continuing interest in my professional development to my employer.
Contact the team
Please contact the team for further information or advice on the DChA qualification.