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Frequently asked questions about the Diploma in Charity Accounting (DChA)

Frequently asked questions about the DChA.

Select one of the following topics that relates to your question. If your question is not answered here, please contact us by email or call +44 (0)1908 248 250.

Eligibility to apply for the experience route

Examination of experience

Answering the Examination of Experience requirements

Resubmission requirements

Assessment of the Examination of Experience

  • Who will assess my Examination of Experience answers?

    Suitable people have been invited by ICAEW from the charity finance community who possess the practical skills and experience and who are respected professionals. ICAEW's experience as a qualification awarding body means that cross-marking is undertaken. This ensures that the experts in assessing the technical material are blended with the experts in examination techniques and standards to ensure a robust, fair and thorough process.

DChA study route

  • If I go through the study route, how will I be assessed - is it both exams and course work?

    The study route delivered by Bayes Business School is assessed by a mixture of exams and course work assignments.

  • What is the deadline for applications?

    Bayes Diploma in Charity Accounting study route for ICAEW members only

    Rolling applications.
    Bayes Diploma in Charity Accounting study route for non-ICAEW members

    There is no deadline: courses will close when they are full and notification of the closure date is added to the course overview page when closure is imminent.

  • When does the study route start?

    The 2025 course starts on Thursday 2 October and runs on a Friday from 13:00 and all-day Saturday for one weekend per month. ICAEW Members may be eligible to start the nine-month programme which begins 11 April 2025.

  • How much does it cost

    Bayes Business School £6,900 (VAT exempt)

  • Where do I study?

    At Bayes Business School in London.

  • Will I acquire work experience during the course?

    At Bayes Business School a shadowing / fieldwork exercise will be included in the course, if you begin the course in October. Applicants are generally expected to work in a charity or in a finance role linked to charitable organisations, for example, in auditing or as a trustee.

Contact us

Contact the team

Please contact the team for further information or advice on the DChA qualification.

Apply now

Your step-by-step guide to the application process.

How to apply