Register of DChA award holders – F
Name | Organisation | Contact |
Fair, Stuart | Kent Wildlife Trust | |
Farmer, Janet | Action for Children | +44(0)1923 361 715 jan.farmer@actionforchildren.org.uk |
Farrar, John | North Staffs YMCA | |
Farren, Samantha | Baker Tilly | |
Farrer, Stuart | Saint & Co. | +44(0)1228 534 371 sf@saint.co.uk Saint & Co., Sterling House, Wavell Drive, Rosehill, Carlisle, CA1 2SA |
Farwell, Mike | James Cowper LLP | +44(0)1635 352 55 mfarwell@jamescowper.co.uk |
Faulkner, Kathryn | Kingston Smith LLP | Kingston Smith LLP, Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, London, EC1M 7AD |
Fernyhough, Nicholas | Saffery Champness | +44(0)1202 204 710 nick.fernyhough@saffery.com Saffery Champness, Midland House, 2 Poole Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 5QY |
Ferris, Michelle | Albert Goodman LLP |
michelle.ferris@albertgoodman.co.uk |
Ffrench, Alexander |
Williams Giles Ltd |
+44(0)1795 478 044 alexffrench@williamsgiles.co.uk |
Filippou, Dimitra | Resources for Autism | +44(0)745 374 7788 dfilippou@resourcesforautism.org.uk Resources for Autism, 858 Finchley Road, London, NW11 6AB |
Finch, Glenn | Barry Watkinson & Co Ltd | +44(0)1245 602 154 barry@barrywatkinson.co.uk Barry Watkinson & Co Ltd, 683 Galleywood Road, Chelmsford, CM2 8BT |
Finlayson, Neil | Kingston Smith LLP | Kingston Smith LLP, Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, London, EC1M 7AD |
Finn, Annabella | Battersea Dogs & Cats Home | +44(0)207 501 2645 a.finn@battersea.org.uk |
Firth, Kate | Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP | 50 Talfourd Avenue, Reading, RG6 7BP |
Fisher, Gabrielle | Self-Employed |
+44(0)750 3970 532 |
Fisher, John | Roffe Swayne | +44(0)1483 416 232 jfisher@roffeswayne.com 24 Wealden Drive, Westhampnett, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0SF |
Fisher, Stephen | haysmacintyre | |
Fishwick, Carolyn | United Bible Societies Association | +44(0)1189 521 437 cquail@ubs-wsc.org |
Fitzgerald, Graham | Evolution Business and Tax Advisors LLP |
+44(0)1604 221 331 graham.fitzgerald@evolutionllp.com 10 Evolution, Wynyard Park, Billingham, Cleveland, TS22 5TB |
Fleming, Lesley | Groundwork West Durham & Darlington |
Fletcher, James | Fletcher & Partners, Chartered Accountants |
+44(0)1722 327 801 jf@fletchpart.co.uk |
Fluin-Hardy, Ruth | Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy |
Follows, Gordon | Kingston Smith LLP | +44(0)1727 896 000 gfollows@kingstonsmith.co.uk Kajima Partnerships Limited, 55 Baker Street, London, W1U 8EW |
Fone, Madeleine | ICAEW | |
Ford, Sarah | TwentyTwenty |
+44(0)1509 236 144 sarah.ford@twentytwenty.org.uk |
Foreman, Jane | ||
Forrest, David | Volunteering Bradford | +44(0)1274 725 434 dave@volunteeringbradford.org Bradford Community & Voluntary Services, 19-25 Sunbridge Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 2AY |
Fosker, Mark | Ensors Accountants LLP |
+44(0)174 3220 077 mark.fosker@ensors.co.uk |
Foskett, James | Cansdales | +44(0)1494 765 428 jamesf@cansdales.co.uk |
Foulkes, Emma | Mazars LLP | +44(0)1908 664 466 |
Fox, Janine | Mazars LLP | +44(0)1618 311 125 janine.fox@mazars.co.uk Mazars LLP, The Lexicon, Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NT |
Framjee, Pesh | Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP | +44(0)20 7842 7100 pesh.framjee@crowecw.co.uk Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP, St Bride's House, 10 Salisbury Square, London, EC4Y 8EH |
Francis, John | Lindeyer Francis Ferguson | +44(0)1732 500 250 john@lffuk.com |
Franklin, Adrian | Belasko Jersey Limited | 01534 603160 adrian.franklin@belasko.com |
Fraser, Charlotte | 2 The Bank, Milton, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 4HF |
Fraser, Steven | Monahans | +44(0)1793 818 300 stevef@monahans.co.uk |
French, Catherine | Malthouse & Company | +44(0)1512 842 000 cathyfrench@malthouse.com |
Frost, David | Peters Elworthy & Moore | +44(0)1223 728 222 dfrost@pem.co.uk Peters Elworthy & Moore, Salisbury House, 2-3 Salisbury Villas, Cambridge, CB1 2LA |
Frost, Rebecca | Lovewell Blake LLP | r.frost@lovewell-blake.co.uk Lovewell Blake LLP, Bankside 300, Peachman Way, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0LB |
Fuller, Patrick | The Learning Trust | |
Fullerton, Adam | Moore Kingston Smith LLP | afullerton@mks.co.uk |
Furney, Joanne | Bookmark Contents Ltd | jo.furney@groupsjr.com |
Fyfe, Alexander | Morris & Young CA |