Register of DChA award holders – H
Name | Organisation | Contact |
Haines, David | Mercy Corps Afghanistan | +009 (0)3793 506 507 dhaines@af.mercycorps.org |
Haigh, Daniel | St Richard’s Hospice |
+44 (0)1905 763 963 finance@strichards.org.uk |
Haigh, Wendy | The Benevolent Society |
+61 (0)282 623 500 wendy.haigh@benevolent.org.au |
Hale, Peter | Haines Watts (Lancashire) LLP | +44 (0)1618 326 413 phale@hwca.com 24 Bramley Close, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 6EP |
Halford, Jill | PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | |
Hall, April | Birmingham St. Mary's Hospice | 8 Holyrood Close, Stafford, ST18 0WE |
Hall, Christine | Villiers Park Educational Trust | +44 (0)1223 872 809 ch@villierspark.org.uk |
Hall, Kathryn | PKF (UK) LLP | |
Hall, Katie | Slade & Cooper Ltd | Slade & Cooper Ltd, 46-50 Oldham Street, Manchester, M2 1LE |
Hallett, Emma | REalliance CIC | +44 (0)7788 438 246 emma@realliance.org.uk 72 Prince Street, Bristol, BS1 4QD |
Hallowell, Anne | WNW LLP | +44 (0)1912 436 237 annehallowell@unw.co.uk |
Hallows, Maria | Beever and Struthers | +44 (0)1618 324 901 maria.hallows@beeverstruthers.co.uk |
Hamblin, Janet | Baker Tilly | Baker Tilly Tax & Advisory Services LLP, First Floor, Quay 2, 139 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, EH3 9QG |
Hamill, Iain | The Christian Institute | +44 (0)1912 815 664 iain.hamill@christian.org.uk |
Hamlin, Robert | Baker Tilly | 41 Anstey Lane, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2NF |
Hammond, Lucy | Kreston Reeves LLP | 01903 828728 lucy.hammond@krestonreeves.com |
Hanbury, William | Bishop Fleming LLP | +44 (0)1803 291 100 whanbury@bishopfleming.co.uk |
Handfield, Travis | Head Office Interiors Ltd | +44 (0)1132 577 777 travis.h@headoffice3.com |
Hanson, Sally | Perennial Gardener Royal Benevolent Society |
+44 (0)1372 384 039 shanson@perennial.org.uk Apartment 1103, Millennium Tower, 250 The Quays, Salford, M50 3SB |
Harding, Darren | http://www.placedobson.co.uk/ |
+44 (0)1293 521 191 darren@placedobson.co.uk |
Hargreaves, Harold | The Bowes Museum | |
Harkin, Ruth | +44 (0)1619 761 673 121 Walton Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 4DR ruthharkin@ntlworld.com |
Harper, Anita | Devon Square Charity Accounting Ltd | +44 (0)1626 355674 anitaharper@devonsquareptns.co.uk |
Harper, Paul | Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust |
Harper, Steven | haysmacintyre | sharper@haysmacintyre.com 26 Red Lion square, London, WC1R 4AG |
Harrington, Paul | Sheffield Mind Ltd | +44 (0)1142 584 489 paul.harrington@sheffieldmind.co.uk Sheffield Mind Ltd, Lawton Tonge House, 57 Wostenholm Road, Sheffield, S7 1LE |
Harris, Ceciel | Bloomsbury Cyber Junction | |
Harris, David | MHA Care Group | |
Harris, Edwardo | SGM Lifewords | |
Harris, Elliot | Chantrey Vellacott DFK LLP | +44 (0)1662 471 393 eharris@cvdfk.com Chantrey Vellacott DFK LLP, Cheviot House, 53 Sheep Street, Northampton, NN1 2NE |
Harrison, Carol | Trust for London | |
Harrison, Judith | Voluntary Action Sheffield | +44(0)1142 536 615 j.harrison@vas.org.uk |
Hart, Jennifer | University College London Union | +44 (0)2076 976 2503 jennifer.hart@ucl.ac.uk University College London Student Union, 25 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AY |
Harvey, Steven | Save the Children UK | +44 (0)2070 126 400 |
Hashemi, Naziar | Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP | Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP, St Bride's House, 10 Salisbury Square, London, EC4Y 8EH |
Hawkin, Valerie | Halle Concerts Society | |
Hayes, Linda | Compton Fund Raising Consultants | +44 (0)1926 614 555 lellis@comptonfundraising.co.uk |
Hayfield, Colin | Hardcastle Burton | Hardcastle Burton, 166 Northwood Way, Northwood, Middlesex, HA6 1RB |
Haynes, Eleanor | Chantrey Vellacott DFK LLP | |
Hazeldine, Terry | The Wildlife Trust BCNP | Resources Director, The Wildlife Trust, The Manor House, Broad Street, Great Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6DH |
Hazell, Liz | PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | Saffery Champness, Lion House, Red Lion Street, London, WC1R 4GB |
He, Si | Health Bridge Ltd | si@zavamed.com |
Healey, Amy | Lindeyer Francis Ferguson | +44 (0)1732 500 250 amy@lffuk.com Lindeyer Francis Ferguson Limited, North House, 198 High Street, Tonbridge, TN9 1BE |
Heath, Judy | Martha Trust | +44 (0)1304 615 223 contact@marthatrust.org.uk Martha Trust, Homemead Lane, Hacklinge, Deal, Kent, CT14 0PG |
Heath, Rachel | BHP LLP | |
Heaton, Mark | KM Chartered Accountants | +44 (0)1282 426 331 mark@kmaccountants.co.uk |
Heaton, Stephan |
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society |
+44(0)151 210 2895 Stephan.heaton@liverpoolphil.com |
Heeps, Katharine | Pre-School Learning Alliance | rachel.heath@bhp.co.uk |
Henman, Jane | Shipleys | +44 (0)2073 120 000 henmanj@shipleys.com |
Herbert, Diane | 35 Holly Walk, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4EB |
Heron, Sheila | Quantum Accountancy Services Ltd |
Suite 13, The Eco Centre, Windmill Way, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear, NE31 1SR |
Hewett, Michael | PEM | mhewett@pem.co.uk |
Hewitt, Luisa | Connor Warin Limited | |
Hewson, Auriol | Hewsons |
+44 (0)1689 838 348 mail@hewsonsca.co.uk Hewsons (UK) Limited, 80 Woodhurst Avenue, Petts Wood, Orpington, Kent, BR5 1AT |
Hewson, Nigel | Hewsons (UK) Limited | +44 (0)1689 838 348 mail@hewsonsca.co.uk Hewsons (UK) Limited, 80 Woodhurst Avenue, Petts Wood, Orpington, Kent, BR5 1AT |
Hibbert, Paul | Birmingham YMCA | |
Hickey, Keith | RNIB | |
Hicks, Christopher | Francis Clark | Francis Clark LLP, Sigma House, Oak View Close, Edginswell Park, Torquay, TQ2 7FF |
Hicks, Geoffrey | Wood, Hicks & Co | Wood, Hicks & Co. Ltd, Units 1-2, Warrior Court, 9-11 Mumby Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 1BS |
Hicks, Michael | Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP |
Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP, St Bride's House, 10 Salisbury Square, London, EC4Y 8EH |
Higginbottom, Jon | Chantrey Vellacot DFK | |
Higgins, Sandra | 1234 Accountancy Limited | +44 (0)1923 431 732 sandra@1234accountancy.co.uk |
Hill, Andrew | HSJ Accountants Limited | +44 (0)1633 815 800 andrew.hill@hsj.uk.com |
Hill, Helen | BDO Stoy Hayward LLP | Inn Brighton, Open House, 146 Springfield Road, Brighton, BN1 6BZ |
Hill, Jane | Saffery Champness | +44 (0)1733 353 300 jane.hill@saffery.com |
Hill, Thomas | Helen & Douglas House | Helen & Douglas House, 14a Magdalen Road, Oxford, OX4 1RW |
Hillman, Rebecca | Burton Sweet Chartered Accountants | |
Hillsdon, Andrew | Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP | Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP, St Bride's House, 10 Salisbury Square, London, EC4Y 8EH |
Hilton, Mark | Sheffield Galleries & Museums Trust | Relate, Premier House, Carolina Court, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN4 5RA |
Hindle, Christopher | Chantrey Vellacott DFK LLP | 12 Hay Close, Great Oakley, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN18 8HX |
Hingston, Michael | HPT (Luton) Limited | HPT (Luton) Limited, Unit B37, Basepoint Business & Innovation Centre, 110 Butterfield, Great Marlings, Luton LU2 8DL |
Hinton, Josephine | Association of Chairs | +44 (0)2078 989 731 josie.hinton@associationofchairs.org.uk |
Hirst, Karen | Alnwick District Playhouse Trust | +44 (0)1665 510 785 karen.hirst@alnwickplayhouse.co.uk |
Hodge, Sarah | Power International | |
Hodges, Peter | The Leadership Foundation for Higer Education |
Hodgetts, Stephen | Baker Tilly Tax & Advisory Services LLP | Baker Tilly Tax & Advisory Services LLP, St Philips Point, Temple Row, Birmingham, B2 5AF |
Hodgkin, Jean-Marc | Bedford Girls' School | bursar@bedfordgirlsschool.co.uk |
Holbourn, Gilbert | Saffery Champness | Flat 19, 3 Ludgate Square, London, EC4M 7AS |
Holford, Sarah | Holford Training and Accountancy | Holford Training and Accountancy, 5 Shutford Road, North Newington, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 6AL |
Holloway, John | Ribchesters Chartered Accountants | +44 (0)1913 848 581 david.holloway@ribchesters.co.uk Ribchesters Group Limited, 67 Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3NP |
Holly, Martin | Cranstoun | +44 (0)2083 351 830 mholly@cranstoun.org.uk Cranstoun, 1st Floor, St. Andrews House, St. Andrews Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 4DT |
Holmes, Siobhan | Hays Macintyre | +44(0)207 969 5500 sholmes@haysmacintyre.com |
Holt, Adele | Chester Diocesan Board of Finance | +44 (0)1928 718 834 adele.holt@chester.anglican.org |
Holt, Andrew | InterHealth Worldwide | |
Hooper, Carol | ||
Hood, Catharine | ADHD Foundation |
0151 541 9020 cathy.hood@adhdfoundation.org.uk |
Hopper, Michael | The Blue Coat School Birmingham | hopperma@bluecoat.bham.sch.uk |
Horley, Geoffrey | Chittenden Horley Limited | +44 (0)1618 882 340 |
Horton, Ellen | EH Consulting LTD | +44 (0)7796170779 ellenhorton@btinternet.com |
Horne, Peter |
National Star | +44 (0)1242 527631 phorne@nationalstar.org |
Howard, Alyson | Williams Giles Limited | +44 (0)1795 478 044 alyson.howard@williamsgiles.co.uk |
Hough, Sarah | Edwards and Keeping | +44 (0)1305 251 333 sarahhough@edwardsandkeeping.co.uk |
Houghton, Eileen | Carpenter Box LLP | Carpenter Box Limited, Amelia House, Crescent Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1QR |
How, Alan | ||
Howard, Jennifer | Sussex Learning Trust | jhoward43@wardenpark.co.uk |
Howarth, Christine | The Edward Lloyd Trust | +44 (0)1912 131 608 christine.howarth@edwardlloydtrust.co.uk |
Howes, Joseph | Buttle UK | josephh@buttleuk.org |
Huggins, Michael | Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP | Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP, St Philips Point, Temple Row, Birmingham, B2 5AF |
Hughes, Barry | Horwath Clark Whitehill LLP | |
Hughes, Martin | Lilian Faithfull Homes Ltd | +44 (0)1242 240 200 martin.hughes@lilianfaithfull.co.uk Lilian Faithfull Homes, Northcroft House, Malvern Road, Cheltenham, GL50 2NR |
Hughes, Natercia | Bishop Fleming LLP | +44 (0)1872 275 651 nhughes@bishopfleming.co.uk Bishop Fleming, Chy Nyverow, Newham Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2DP |
Hughes, Simon |
Crowe U.K. LLP |
+44 (0)20 7842 5329 simon.hughes@crowe.co.uk |
Humphreys, Robert | Oxfam | |
Hunt, Helen | ||
Hunter, David | Hunter Accountants | Hunter Accountants Limited, 3 Kings Court, Little King Street, Bristol, BS1 4HW |
Hunter, John | Shoemakers | +44 (0)1635 248 944 |
Hunter, Toni | George Hay Partnership LLP | St. Georges House, 14 George Street, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 3GH |
Huntington , Colin |
Dogs Trust | |
Hurlbatt, Simon | Randall & Payne | |
Hutchinson, Hubert |
Reprieve |
+44 (0)207 553 8140 |
Hutchinson, Nicholas | EMBOTI Limited | +44 (0)7829 764 556 nick.hutchinson17@yahoo.co.uk Emboti Limited, La Saulire, La Rue de la Presse, St. Peter, Jersey, JE3 7YG |
Hyde, Peter | Littlejohn LLP |