Register of DChA award holders - L
Name | Organisation | Contact |
Labio, Donna | Charity Commission | donna.labio@charitycommission.gsi.gov.uk |
Lachmann, Jonathan | HW Fisher & Company | +44 (0)20 7380 4993 jlachmann@hwfisher.co.uk |
Lai, Mei Sim | LaiPeters & Co | LaiPeters & Co, New Broad Street House, 35 New Broad Street, LONDON EC2M 1NH |
Lally, Kevin | Knox Cropper | +44 (0)20 7332 6400 |
Lam, Kit-Lai | Solace Women's Aid | |
Lamont, Heather | CCLA | +44 (0)20 7489 6058 Heather.Lamont@ccla.co.uk |
Landsman, Rachel | The Langdon Foundation | |
Lane, Sandra | ||
Langridge, Carrie | ICAEW | ICAEW, Metropolitan House, 321 Avebury Boulevard, MILTON KEYNES MK9 2FZ |
Larkham, Ian | Girlguiding UK | |
Lau, Christy | Slade & Cooper Ltd | +44(0)1612342990 office@sladecooper.co.uk |
Law, Mark | Baker Tilly | Baker Tilly Tax & Advisory Services LLP, 2nd Floor, STC House,7 Elmfield Road, BROMLEY KENT, BR1 1LT |
Lawrence, Scott | Hazlewoods LLP | +44(0)1242 237 661 sl@hazlewoods.co.uk Hazlewoods LLP, Windsor House, Bayshill Road, CHELTENHAM, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, GL50 3AT |
Lawton, Claire | Jolliffe Cork LLP | +44 (0)1924 376 045 claire.lawton@jolliffecork.co.uk Jolliffe Cork LLP ,33 George Street, WAKEFIELD, WEST YORKSHIRE, WF1 1LX |
Layburn, Sally | : | |
Le, Hien | ||
Leach, Catharine | Hillier Hopkins LLP | +44(0)1923 232 938 cathy.leach@hhllp.co.uk |
Learner Frank | Greengage Associates | 01446700183 frank.learner@greengageassociates.co.uk Greengage Associates ,8 Ffordd Cwm Cidi, BARRY, SOUTH GLAMORGAN, CF62 6LH |
Leary, Stewart | Network Homes | |
Ledward, Andrew | National Talking Newspapers and Magazines | +44(0)1435 869 314 andrew@tnauk.org.uk |
Leeming, Janice | Sussex Oakleaf | Janice.leeming@sussexoakleaf.org.uk |
Leeves, James | Burgess Hodgson | +44(0)1227 454 627 jpl@burgesshodgson.co.uk |
Leftley, Leanne | Clive Owen LLP | leanne.leftley@cliveowen.com |
Leng, Matt | The Bowes Museum | |
Lever, Keith | National Autistic Society | |
Ling, Tim Dr | Church Army | 0114 252 1645 tim.ling@churcharmy.org |
Liang, Xiuying | The Pensions Trust | +44(0)1133 942 644 sue.liang@thepensionstrust.org.uk |
Lickorish, Keith | Baker Tilly | Baker Tilly Tax & Advisory Services LLP, Portland, 25 High Street, CRAWLEY, WEST SUSSEX, RH10 1BG |
Lightfoot, Sarah | Seven Hills Accountants Limited | Seven Hills Accountants Limited https://www.sevenhillsaccountants.co.uk/ info@sevenhillsaccountants.co.uk |
Lincoln, Simon | Blenheim CDP | s.lincoln@blenheimcdp.org.uk |
Lipshaw, Tina | ||
List, Matthew | Baker Tilly | 22 Church Hill, Cheddington, LEIGHTON BUZZARD, BEDFORDSHIRE, LU7 0SY |
Livings, Charlie | Chariot House Limited | +44 (0)1273 447 040 charlie.livings@chariothouse.co.uk |
Lloyd Jones, Gareth | Dunn & Ellis | +44(0)1766 512 361 glj@dunnandellis.co.uk Dunn & Ellis, St. Davids Building, Lombard Street, PORTHMADOG, GWYNEDD, LL49 9AP |
Lock, Richard | YMCA England | YMCA England, Farringdon Point, 29-35 Farringdon Road, LONDON, EC1M 3JF |
Lockhart, Mark | Westway Development Trust | +44(0)20 8962 5720 mlockhart@westway.org |
Lomer, Rosemary | Menzies Chartered Accountants | 30 Observatory Road, LONDON, SW14 7QD |
Longhurst, Ava | Energy Institute | +44 (0)20 7467 7124 alonghurst@energyinst.org Energy Institute, 61 New Cavendish Street, LONDON, W1G 7AR |
Longstaff-Tyrrell, Zoe | Baker Tilly | +44 (0)8450 570 700 zoe.longstaff-tyrrell@bakertilly.co.uk |
Lorimer, Ruth | The Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain | +44(0)207 629 6137 ruth@rsmgb.org |
Lovett,Yvonne | Barnett & Turner | Barnett & Turner Accountants Ltd, Cromwell House, 68 West Gate, MANSFIELD, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, NG18 1RR |
Lower, Hilary | The Audit Commission | |
Lowrie, Deborah | Alwaysdebi@aol.com | |
Lucas, David | TLL Accountants Limited | +44(0)1772 812 163 advice@tllaccountants.com TLL Accountants Limited, 7-9 Station Road, Hesketh Bank, PRESTON, PR4 6SN |
Lucas, Malcolm | Menzies LLP | +44 (0)1784 497 100 mlucas@menzies.co.uk |
Lucas, Verity | Moore Kingston Smith LLP | VLucas@mks.co.uk |
Luckett, Antony | Clive Owen & Co LLP | Clive Owen LLP, 140 Coniscliffe Road, DARLINGTON, DL3 7RT |
Ludlow, Richard | Parkside Accountants LLP | Richard@parkside-accountants.co.uk |
Luftig, Jacob |
Cohen Arnold | +44(0)208 731 0805 jacobluftig@cohenarnold.com |
Lunt, Nicholas | Ballard Knight Limited | +44(0)1935 862 538 nick.lunt@btinternet.com Moor Farm House, Moor Lane, Hardington Moor, YEOVIL, BA22 9NW |
Lynch | MA Partners LLP | |
Lyon, Alastair | Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP | Crowe Clark Whitehill LLP, Aquis House, 49-51 Blagrave Street, READING, RG1 1PL |