In addition to the ICAEW CFAB or ACA Certificate Level exams, as part of the Level 4 Accounting Technician apprenticeship, you are also required to submit a portfolio and reflective statement and sit and pass a case-study style role simulation exam.
This is a 2.5 hour long exam which will test the knowledge, skills and behaviours you have developed during your apprenticeship. The role simulation exam is computer-based and available as a remote invigilation exam in March, June and December each year.
Book your role simulation exam
You can book your place and apply for the role simulation exam using our online booking system. Access this via your training file, go to the ‘Examinations’ tab and select ‘Apply for exams’, or go straight to exams online.
When you book your exam it will be confirmed immediately.
Key dates and deadlines
You will need to complete a minimum of 12 months of your apprenticeship before you can sit the role simulation exam. It is your responsibility to apply and book it.
The role simulation exam can be sat in March, June and December.
Ensure you make a note of all the key dates and deadlines. Follow the links below to see when the role simulation exam can be booked or amended, the exam date, and when the results will be released.
Booking summary
Once you have booked your role simulation exam you will receive an application summary by email. This will include the date of your exam, the exam venue, your candidate number, and Instructions to Candidates. Please read the information carefully and ensure that it is correct.
Cancelling or amending your exam
During the exam session booking window
Only during the exam session booking window can any modifications be made to a student’s application including withdrawing, amending the exam(s) selected, changing the exam centre or moving to remote invigilation. Once the exam session booking window closes no further amendments can be made.
Students can withdraw during the exam session booking window, by going online to their exam application and select the modifying application option. When withdrawing during the exam session booking window students will be refunded their exam fee. Refunds are issued back to the original payment method within 20 working days of the booking window closing date.
ICAEW are unable to defer an exam or hold a credit on a student’s account. A student will need to apply again at the next available session.
After the exam session booking window closing date>
Students do not need to notify ICAEW if they are unable to attend their exam(s).
If a student is unable to attend their exam(s) and wishes to be considered for a refund, evidence will need to be submitted via the online training file within 7 days of the examination date.
Refunds will only be considered with the following evidence:
- Illness - appropriate medical evidence from a qualified medical doctor obtained and dated no later than 48 hours after the examination date.
- Bereavement - a copy of the death certificate of the family member. A family member would be mother, father, spouse or partner, child.
If a refund is granted this will be provided back to the original payment method 20 working days after the exam date.
ICAEW are unable to defer an exam or hold a credit on a student’s account. A student will need to apply again at the next available session.
Updated January 2023
Access arrangements
If you feel your exam performance may be hindered due to a health condition, disability, or specific learning difficulty (SpLD), we may be able to put access arrangements in place to support you during your end-point exam. Submit your application for access arrangements by the exam booking deadline.
Instructions to Candidates
You must read the Instructions to Candidates carefully before you attempt your role simulation exam as part of your end-point assessment.
Before the exam
The advance information will be available eight weeks before your exam. The advance information may contain 12-15 pages of background information on a company, a recent set of financial statements and an organisational hierarchy.
The advance information can now be added to your digital bookshelf. You can add the Role Simulation advance information to your bookshelf by visiting the ebookshop and selecting the relevant edition.
The digital version will not be added automatically, you must visit the link above for it to be available. The advance information is still available as a traditional PDF in the exam resources section below, which can be printed and taken to your exam.
You will need to familiarise yourself with this information before the exam, with the support of your tuition provider.
On the day of the exam
During this exam, you will work through a series of business-related challenges based on the advance information. You will be able to take a copy of this information in to the exam with you. You can also take the ICAEW CFAB or ACA Certificate Level learning materials into the exam.
You will also be presented with some additional information about the company, as well as a number of tasks which you will be expected to work through.
Exam attempts
There is no maximum number of attempts for the role simulation exam. However, if you are unsuccessful and wish to re-sit you must attempt and pass within 12 months.
Exam resources
To help you prepare for the role simulation exam, explore the exams below with advance information, exam questions and answers, and within the new practice software.
- March 2025 Role Simulation - advance information
- December 2024 Role Simulation - mark plan
- December 2024 Role Simulation - exam
- December 2024 Role Simulation - advance information
- June 2024 Role Simulation - mark plan
- June 2024 Role Simulation - exam
- June 2024 Role Simulation - advance information
- March 2024 Role Simulation - mark plan
- March 2024 Role Simulation - exam
- March 2024 Role Simulation - advance information
- December 2023 Role Simulation - mark plan
- December 2023 Role Simulation - exam
- December 2023 Role Simulation - advance information
- June 2023 Role Simulation - mark plan
- June 2023 Role Simulation - exam
- June 2023 Role Simulation - advance information
- March 2023 Role Simulation - mark plan
- March 2023 Role Simulation - exam
- March 2023 Role Simulation - advance information
- December 2022 Role Simulation - mark plan
- December 2022 Role Simulation - exam
- December 2022 Role Simulation - advance information
- June 2022 Role Simulation - mark plan
- June 2022 Role Simulation - exam
- June 2022 Role Simulation - advance information
- March 2022 Role Simulation - mark plan
- March 2022 Role simulation - exam
- March 2022 Role Simulation - advance information
- December 2021 Role simulation - mark plan
- December 2021 Role simulation exam
- December 2021 Role Simulation - advance information
- June 2021 Role Simulation - mark plan
- June 2021 Role Simulation exam
- June 2021 Role Simulation - advance information
- March 2021 Role Simulation - mark plan
- March 2021 Role Simulation exam
- Access the December 2019 past exam within the practice software
- March 2021 L4 Role Simulation Advanced Information
- December 2020 Role Simulation - mark plan
- December 2020 Role Simulation exam
- December 2020 Role Simulation - advance information
- September 2020 Role Simulation - mark plan
- September 2020 Role Simulation exam
- September 2020 Role Simulation - advance information
- March 2020 Role Simulation - mark plan
- March 2020 Role Simulation exam
- March 2020 Role Simulation - advance information
The exam will be marked, graded and has a pass mark of 70%. If you score 90% or more, you will receive a distinction.
You will receive results for your role simulation exam and portfolio and reflective statement at the same time. This means that you will know whether you have been successful in passing the ICAEW Accounting Technician apprenticeship after you have sat the role simulation exam.
We will notify the Institute for Apprenticeships (IfA) once all elements of the apprenticeship are completed. The IfA will then post the apprenticeship certificate to your employer.