You should ensure that you review the full guidance including the FAQs, the remote invigilation checklist below, the Instructions to Candidates, access arrangements and exam disruption appeal guidance.
Please follow the checklist below you book your Role Simulation exam
1. Check you have the four key requirements for remote invigilation:
- A reliable computer or laptop with a strong internet connection, a webcam and microphone which meets minimum technical and system requirements.
- A quiet room with a closed door (no one else is permitted in the room while you are sitting your exam).
- A clear workspace, with only any permitted texts and/or equipment allowed.
- A mobile phone with WIFI connection and camera to assist in the check-in process and monitoring your exam.
For information on what is and isn’t allowed in the exam, and what is considered acceptable behaviour, please read the instructions for candidates.
2. Check that your computer meets the minimum technical and system requirements
There are a number of technical and system requirements that must be met to use the remote invigilation system. You must check that your computer is compatible with these before booking your exam. This is so you have enough time to resolve any issues.
We recommend that you use a personal computer or laptop that doesn’t have restricted access and admin rights installed. If you only have an employer provided laptop, please speak with your employer before booking your exam to ensure that it meets the technical and system requirements.
Do not book your remote invigilation exam if your computer does not meet the technical and system requirements.
There are a number of technical and system requirements that must be met to use the remote invigilation system. You must check that your computer is compatible with these before booking your exam. This is so you have enough time to resolve any issues.
We recommend that you use a personal computer or laptop that doesn’t have restricted access and admin rights installed. If you only have an employer provided laptop, please speak with your employer before booking your exam to ensure that it meets the technical and system requirements.
Do not book a remote invigilation exam if your computer does not meet the technical and system requirements.
3. Familiarise yourself with how the remote invigilation exam will work
- View the FAQs about the remote invigilation Role Simulation exam
- Practise using the exam software
- Access the past role simulation exam within the practice software
4. Decide where you will be sitting your exam
If you are in a training agreement, you may wish to check with your employer before booking any exams, in case they have particular policies and approaches already in place.
Please do ensure that your computer meets the technical specifications before booking your exam.
5. Schedule your exam
You will be able to book your exam at
The remote invigilation exam should support any access arrangements that have been agreed for your exam.
6. Run a system check
Once you have booked your exam you will receive a system check email two weeks before your exam. This will contain instructions on how to perform a system check to ensure your equipment is set up and ready to go. You must carry out the system check in advance of your exam to make sure it works correctly and so you have time to fix any issues.
The system test will check that your internet bandwidth is sufficient, you have a working webcam, and your device has audio and volume control. It does not confirm that your computer meets the minimum technical and system requirements.
Please carry out the system check on the same network and computer you will use on the exam day. We recommend using a personal computer and checking your computer meets the technical and system requirements before booking the exam. If you only have an employer provided laptop or device please make sure you speak to your employer to ensure it meets the technical and system requirements and passes the system check.
If you encounter any technical difficulties during your system check you will be able to access the online chat support for help. The “Proctor Exam Support" online chat support can be found in the Proctor Exam tab within the system check. You are permitted to swap tabs if you require technical help.
Please note: This email will be sent to the email address on your training file two weeks before your exam. Please double check your junk email folder if nothing appears in your inbox.
7. Check you have received your exam link
Your exam link will be sent in the same email as your system check (two weeks prior to your exam). Ensure you have this email prior to your exam.
Please note: This email will be sent to the email address on your training file two weeks before your exam. Please double check your junk email folder if nothing appears in your inbox.
8. Before your exam day, follow this advice:
- Review the exam software guidance and prepare for your exam
- Make sure you have read all the instructions for candidates
- Practise using the exam software to get comfortable with how the exam will look
- Review a sample of the exam
- Access the past role simulation exam within the practice software
9. On the day of your exam, complete the ‘on-boarding’ process and have your ID ready
On the day of the exam, you will go through an ‘on-boarding’ process. This process is videoed and involves setting up your equipment and any security checks. Once you have been through the ‘on-boarding’ process, you will be able to start the exam.
For guidance on what ID, equipment, and resources you will need on the exam day, please read the instructions for candidates.
If you encounter any technical difficulties on your exam day you will be able to access the online chat support for help. The “Proctor Exam Support" online chat support can be found in the Proctor Exam tab within the exam. You are permitted to swap tabs if you require technical help.
Hints and tips
- Take a deep breath and try to stay calm if you do have technical issues. Try not to let it affect your overall exam performance and please use the online chat support to help if there are any issues.
- Relax and allow plenty of time to prepare your workspace for your exam.
- Inform others in your household where and when you are doing the exam so they don’t disturb you.
- Turn off or disconnect devices and items that could make noises or distract you during the exam.
10. Results
Results will be provided to you and your employer (if applicable).
The exam will be marked, graded, and has a pass mark of 70%. If you score 90% or more, you will receive a distinction.
You will receive results for your Role Simulation exam and Portfolio and Reflective Statement at the same time via your ICAEW online training file. This means that you will know whether you have been successful in passing the Level 4 Accounting Technician apprenticeship after you have sat the Role Simulation exam.
Student support
For any queries relating to ICAEW apprenticeships, please get in touch.