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Portfolio and reflective statement

A brief overview of what to include in your ICAEW trailblazer apprenticeship's portfolio and reflective statement, the length each statement should be, and how to submit.

The portfolio and reflective statement demonstrates your competence in the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be an ICAEW Accounting Technician. Here is a brief overview of what to include in your portfolio and reflective statement, the length each statement should be, and how to submit.

You can use relevant examples from your training file to summarise them for your portfolio and reflective statement.


Please note that the guidance document and exam template have been update to clarify that Generative AI tools (such as Chat GPT) cannot be used to produce any part of your application.

For further detailed guidance, view the portfolio and reflective statement guide.


Section 1: for each knowledge, skill and behaviour, you will need to describe briefly a situation where you have demonstrated your competence.

Section 2: you will then need to select four skills or behaviours to discuss in more detail. For each of the four you have chosen, you will need to describe:

  • what you did;
  • how you used the knowledge, skill or behaviour;
  • what you’ve learned; or
  • how you would apply what you’ve learned if you were faced with a similar situation in the future.

To help you complete the portfolio and reflective statement and structure your responses, you will need to complete a standard template, provided by us. You can also view sample completed portfolio and reflective statements, so you have a better understanding of what is required.


The expected length of the portfolio and reflective statement is:

Section 1: Section 1: a brief description of competence in each knowledge, skill and behaviour. Maximum of 50 words for each part of each example.

Section 2: you will need to explore in more detail and reflect on four skills or behaviours. You will need to write a maximum of 500 words per example (not including the requirements).


When you have completed your portfolio and reflective statement, you will need to submit it to ICAEW for assessment and marking.

There are three end-point assessment sessions per year when you can submit your portfolio and reflective statement and take your role simulation exam, they are in March, June and December.

You will need to submit your portfolio and reflective statement for marking during the booking window for the session you wish to sit your role simulation exam.

When your portfolio and reflective statement appears in our marking system, it will be referred to your employer for sign-off. We may contact your employer to confirm that the information and evidence provided by you and contained within your portfolio and reflective statement is authentic and that your answers are drawn from your training log.

For guidance on how to submit your portfolio and reflective statement, view the How to apply for and book the Level 4 Accounting Technician Apprenticeship end-point assessment guide.


There are 100 marks available for the portfolio and reflective statement in total.

A maximum of two marks are available for each 50-word description of competence in section 1. A maximum of 32 marks are therefore available for this section.

A maximum of 14 marks are available for each of the 500-word reflections in section 2. A maximum of 56 marks are therefore available for this section.

In addition, a maximum of 12 marks are available for good presentation and style. The overall pass mark is 55%.

You will receive your mark on the day the exam results are released for the role simulation exam.

For a summary and observations on previous sessions, you can review the Examiners report:


If you are unsuccessful in the portfolio and reflective statement, you will receive feedback on the situations that did not provide sufficient evidence to fulfil the requirements. You will only need to re-submit the parts you have failed. We advise that you read this feedback carefully, and address it before re-submitting.

There is no maximum number of attempts for the portfolio and reflective statement and the role simulation exam. However, if you are unsuccessful in either and wish to re-sit, you must re-attempt and pass within 12 months.

Please note that if the 12-month period expires, you will need to re-attempt both the role simulation exam and the portfolio and reflective statement.

Therefore, the maximum number of attempts you will be allowed for the portfolio and reflective statement will be determined by how many exam sessions there are in the 12 months after you have passed your role simulation.

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