- Registration and refreshments
- 09:15
- Chair’s welcome and opening remarks
- 10:00
- Keynote speech
- 10:10
- Periodic Review 2024: A new revenue recognition model
- 10:45
- Break
- 11:30
- Breakout sessions
- 11:55
- Implementing the new revenue model
- Option A
- Impact of transition on financial statements
- Option B
- There’s more to the Periodic Review 2024 amendments than revenue and leases
- Option C
- Reforming the UK’s corporate reporting regime: simplification, modernisation and effective integration of sustainability standards
- Option D
- Lunch
- 12:30
- Periodic Review 2024: New lease accounting requirements
- 13:30
- Breakout sessions
- 14:15
- Impact of transition on financial statements
- Option B
- Reforming the UK’s corporate reporting regime: simplification, modernisation and effective integration of sustainability standards
- Option D
- Get ready for lease accounting changes
- Option E
- Breakout sessions
- 14:50
- Implementing the new revenue model
- Option A
- There’s more to the Periodic Review 2024 amendments than revenue and leases
- Option C
- Get ready for lease accounting changes
- Option E
- Break
- 15:20
- What’s next for corporate reporting?
- 15:40
- Chair’s closing remarks
- 16:20
Very informative, lovely to be in person and all elements well presented.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the event and benefited greatly from the experience and advice shared by the speakers.
Extremely informative and provided valuable insight.
Great overview of current developments.