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Welcome to the dedicated area for ICAEW examiners – your online resource to assist you in setting and marking exams.

Young female college student in blue-and-white top, holding files

About our qualifications

  • Article
The ICAEW has an exciting range of qualifications - the ACA, Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (CFAB) and Corporate Finance (CF) qualifications.


Mature woman working at her laptop
Your role as an examiner

As an ICAEW examiner it is essential that you maintain the quality and consistency of the setting and marking of examinations.

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Setting and marking timetables

Setting and marking timetables for the Professional Level, Advanced Level and Case Study.

Mature man speaking to younger man sat at computer
Examination Review Board (ERB) notes

The ERB is responsible for reviewing exam papers for future sessions and for approving and adopting papers for the next session.

Young man and woman working at laptop
Assessment resources

Resources including exam paper templates, forms and user guides.

Young man and woman looking at laptop
Ethics resources

Resources drawn from scenarios submitted relating to Professional Conduct cases.

Two women reviewing paperwork
Marking resources

Marking resources including forms fees and instructions to e-markers.
