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Register for ICAEW CFAB

To start studying for the ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting & Business (ICAEW CFAB) you need to register with us as a student. Register online today.

To start studying for the ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business you need to register with us as an ICAEW CFAB student. You don’t need to satisfy any formal academic entry requirements to start your studies.

Register online

Register with us as an ICAEW CFAB student. You will not be able to take any of the exam assessments until you have registered as a student.

Once you have registered, you will be given an ICAEW student number and website login. Please keep these details safe as you will need both to book your exams and to access your exam results.

Are you an ACA student?

As an ACA student who has already completed the first six ACA exams, you can gain the ICAEW Certificate of Finance, Accounting and Business (ICAEW CFAB) as part of your studies.


ICAEW CFAB exams are examined by computer-based assessment and can be taken at an approved exam test centre or via remote invigilation.

  • If you plan to study ICAEW CFAB through a tuition provider, many will have on-site exam centres or are affiliated to an approved exam centre where you will be able to take your exams.
  • If you plan to study ICAEW CFAB on your own (without the support of a tuition provider), you can find your nearest exam centre through the Pearson Vue network.
  • You can also sit your exams via remote invigilation

Please note

The Accounting module is compulsory for all CFAB students except for:

Cost of studying

Registration fee

£206 (+ VAT) - this is a one-off fee payable at the point of registration.


£90 per exam. 

Learning materials

£43 per subject

Tuition Costs may vary by location, study option chosen and by tuition provider.