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The day of your exam

Overview of what students should expect on the day of their ICAEW CFAB exams.

Familiarise yourself with everything you will need to complete on the day of your exam, including the administrative processes, notices to candidates and how to apply for an exam disruption appeal if you feel that your exam performance has been adversely affected.

Exam guidance

Please ensure you read our exam guidance before sitting your exam. It will provide you with everything you need to know including the administrative processes you will need to complete on the day such as ID requirements and our calculator policy, the exam rules you will be subject to and all your frequently asked questions, answered.

Exam disruption appeal

Should you experience an issue during your exam, you must report this to Pearson VUE via the greeter or invigilator on the day of your exam. If you are unable to contact them, you should contact Pearson VUE to report the issue and ensure it has been logged. If you feel the issue you experienced has impacted your exam performance, you can apply for an exam disruption appeal.

Students must read and understand the exam disruption appeal policy before they sit an exam. The exam disruption appeal applies to circumstances where you feel that your performance in an exam has been adversely affected by illness or other circumstances. You can apply to have these factors taken into consideration during the results determination process. Please refer to the policy.

The deadline to apply for exam disruption appeal is seven days from your exam. For example, if you sit an exam on a Monday you will have until 23:59 the following Monday to submit your exam disruption appeal application. You will also need to apply for exam disruption appeal individually per exam.

If you wish to apply for exam disruption appeal, you must complete the online exam disruption appeal application form with any supporting evidence within seven days of the exam. Once your application has been logged, you will receive a confirmation email to confirm we have received it.

Take a look at our EDA student guide for step-by-step instructions on how to complete an application and the exam disruption appeal frequently asked questions.

Full details of all the available provisions can be found in the ACA assessment regulations.