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ICAEW Essentials CPD

This year’s enhanced fully-virtual programme focusses key technical updates, across core topics, and is designed for advisors and industry teams alike.

Designed and written by leading subject matter experts, and delivered live & on-demand, the programme provides a fully-interactive learning experience and the perfect training solution for the busy finance professional.

View your Essentials CPD programme
ICAEW Essentials CPD

Why Essentials CPD?


Suitable for ACAs and non-ACAs so the perfect team training solution


High-quality engaging content from industry-leading trainers


New course titles for 2024


Built around the latest updates and regulations


Improve your technical proficiency and fulfil your annual CPD requirements


Engaging virtual sessions with fully-interactive Q&A sessions


Delivered live and made available via on-demand


Courses running throughout the CPD year


Cost-effective training solution


Bulk booking & corporate discounts available


Pricing Applicable to live or on demand booking
1 - 4 bookings £60 + VAT per booking
5 - 19 bookings £57.25 + VAT per booking
20+ bookings £54.50 + VAT per booking

The above discounts shown are automatically applied at the time of booking.

The discounts are valid for individuals booking more than one course at a time or corporate bookings where more than one delegate from the same organisation is booked onto the same course.

Corporate accounts also available

Contact us

For further information on the Essentials programme, contact:

Amy Read
Programme Manager

e: amy.read@icaew.com
t: +44 (0)20 7920 8764
m: +44 (0)7964 575082

Download the 2025 Essentials CPD programme overview here, to explore our range of courses.