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From student to future professional

As a new professional starting work, there are many ways you can help drive your career forward. This section covers everything from how to start a new job well, understanding how you learn best, the importance of being liked, how to fit in at work and much more.

How to start a new job well

You’ve mastered the interview, got the job, so now the hard work begins. Here are some top tips on how to make and good impression in your new job.

Find your learning style

Understanding what learning style you are and how you learn best can help you study more effectively for exams, progress further in the workplace and collaborate more effectively in a team.

Understanding your personality

When recruiting or building a team, employers will look to see if your personality matches their needs as well as if your skills do. This article looks at the thinking behind some of the most popular personality tests. 

Understanding corporate culture

Starting any new job can be a daunting prospect, but your progress at work can be helped considerably if you understand the culture of the organisation you work in. Here is what you need to know about corporate culture and fitting in at work. 

Dress for success

Can what you wear to the office help you command respect from your peers and superiors? Or maybe, what you wear to the office has the opposite effect. This article looks at whether your success can be shaped by how you dress for work.

How likeable are you – is it important to be nice?

This article from our student magazine looks at why being nice and being liked is important for your progress as a future professional.

Your personal business plan

To get ahead in your career you need to take some time to develop an action plan for your personal life. This article from our student magazine shows you how to create your own plan.

Setting personal goals

At work, most of us will have some kind of annual objective setting and appraisal system where we have to set objectives and then do regular activity throughout the year to meet those objectives. However, do you set personal goals in the same way. CABA, the Chartered Accountants Benevolent Association outlines why it’s important to set personal goals throughout your career and offers five top tips for goal setting.


Networking plays a crucial part in opening doors to your future. Being able to engage and reflect with other professionals will give you the confidence to succeed as a future professional. Read all about why networking is so important and tips to help you do it in this month’s Vital magazine.

Recognising the traits of a bad boss.

Recognising the traits of a bad boss can give you vital understanding why it is important to be a good boss. To understand these traits before heading into your career can give you a head start on developing your skills early.

Writing a career plan

While you cannot plan every step of your career, it doesn’t mean shouldn’t set yourself goals. In fact, as ICAEW magazine economia explains, there are many benefits to writing a career plan.

Pro-active job hunting – it works!

When job hunting, it is important to think of every opportunity to help get you noticed. Read this inspirational story about how one student got himself a job after some very pro-active job hunting.

Leadership in the modern age

The future of accounting is changing, what do you need to keep up with the times and become a leader in your career? Read this article from ICAEWs magazine, vital, to discover where the future is going.