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Which skills and behaviours do employers want to see?


Published: 19 Dec 2017 Update History

We explain what an employer typically looks for in any recruit, which skills and behaviours they usually see as critical and then how you can demonstrate these on your CV or job applications.

This 45-minute webinar will show you what an employer looks for, why these things matter  and how, once you know this, you’ll be able to write a better CV or job application as a result.

In this webinar (45 mins), we look at:

  • Which skills and behaviours are important now and for the future.
  • Identifying which skills and behaviours you have (SWOT analysis).
  • How to evidence them on your CV and in job applications.
  • The power of ‘action words’.
  • CVs – the magic ’30 seconds’.
  • Job-hunting – how to access the hidden job market.
  • How to increase your job options with ICAEW CFAB.
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