In a world of global markets, digital communication and more competition than ever before, this distinctive new look will keep us relevant and one step ahead.
We have a version of the logo that you can now use on your marketing and supplementary materials, subject to the terms and conditions. Please take some time to read the brand guidelines carefully so that you can get the most out of your association with ICAEW.
Using the Partner in Learning logo
The logo pack contains both colour and black and white versions of the logo.
Please refer to the brand guidelines on how the Partner in Learning logo should be used with the descriptor and disclaimer wording.
Use of the ICAEW Partner in Learning logos is subject to compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the Partner in Learning scheme.
Terms and Conditions
By signing the Partner in Learning application/declaration, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions.
VLE minimum requirements
As stated within the Terms and Conditions, we ask that the following minimum requirements are met if you wish to have any ICAEW Learning Materials accessible to Students via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Credit for prior learning (CPL)
As stated within the Terms and Conditions, we ask that the following minimum requirements are met if you wish to have any ICAEW Learning Materials accessible to Students via a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).