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Financial data and company reports

Order custom reports with financial and company information for organisations in the UK and internationally.

More detailed information about UK and Irish company reports from the ICAEW Library & Information Service's company research services.

If you would like to discuss your requirements, get help in identifying the materials that you need or have any difficulty in finding resources, please contact the enquiry team by phone on +44 (0)20 7920 8620 or by email at library@icaew.com and we will be pleased to help.

UK financial data


Data on UK companies is provided by FAME, a company and financial database. It provides detailed company information, including addresses and contacts, on UK and Irish public and private companies.

FAME is updated daily and can be used to obtain company reports, to create mailing lists for a marketing strategy or to generate comparative lists of companies that you can use to benchmark an organisation.

We provide reports free of charge to ICAEW members and ACA students. This service is not available to members of the public.

What information is in a FAME company report?

Information is derived from records filed at Companies House and other suppliers and the data available will depend on whether a company files full or abbreviated accounts.

The following information may, depending on the data available, be contained in each report:

  • Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code
  • profit and loss data
  • assets and liabilities
  • ratios
  • current and historical credit scores and ratings
  • current and previous directors
  • contact names and positions
  • holding companies and subsidiaries
  • audit details.


The FAME database also includes details of active and inactive charities taken from the Charity Commission register of charities and the Scottish Charity Register. The reports for charities provide addresses, basic financial data and information on trustees.

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The protection of personal privacy is an important concern to ICAEW. Any personal data collected will be treated in accordance with current data protection legislation.

We will use your personal data to deliver and administer the services that you have requested.

For information about how we use your data please view our privacy policy.

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