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Our enquiry team can help answer questions on a wide range of topics using the material in our collection. The enquiry service is available to all ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users – simply contact us and we will aim to respond within 24 hours* (48 hours for client screenings).

Free access

Most of our help is provided free. We only make charges for reports from a small number of specialist databases and for some special extended research.

Contact us by phone on +44 (0)20 7920 8620, by email at library@icaew.com or by webchat.

What kind of enquiries can we help with?


In addition to providing access to UK and international accounting standards, we can also help with:

  • information on accounting for different business types, industries and sectors;
  • information on accounting in other countries;
  • model documents, such as example accounts and engagement letters for specific industry sectors.

Career and personal development and CPD

Whether you're looking for a new job, need to keep up to date for CPD or brush up on soft skills, we have a range of resources that can help. Contact us for information on everything from communication skills and managing people to stress management and work-life balance.


The role of chartered accountants within charities can be dynamic and varied. We can help by providing a wide range of guides on charities, including accounting, auditing, taxation and legal information.

Company information

If you need to find company and financial data, we supply UK and international company reports as well as company news searches, mailing lists and other reports. Find out more about our company research services.

Corporate governance

From the duties and responsibilities of directors, guidance for audit committees to information on Sarbanes Oxley, we can give you guidance materials to help you meet your corporate governance responsibilities.

Corporate finance

We can point you to quality information on valuation, financing, mergers and acquisitions, management buyouts and due diligence.

Country information

Is a client thinking of doing business in a new country? Or are you considering working abroad? We will provide information on most aspects of doing business abroad, including taxation and tax rates, company formation and accounting. If you need to research an industry sector in another country, we can also give you international market research reports.

We can also research historic exchange rates for the major currencies at end month, average for the month or average for the year.


The library holds copies of all current and archive ICAEW publications, from technical releases to the List of Members going back to 1881. We could help you trace the history of a firm and its directors, for example.

If you are trying to trace a relative or ancestor who was an accountant, take a look at our family history resources.

Industry information

Do you need to find industry-specific information for a client or do you need to keep up to date with the latest industry news? We can supply industry and market research reports, as well as statistics, KPIs and industry news. We also have tax and accounting information on various industry sectors.


If you need to get hold of the transcript of a case or a piece of UK or EU legislation, contact the enquiry team. You can also borrow books on the law relating to, for example, companies, trusts and trustees, and charities.

Managing people

Your most valuable assets are the people who work for you. Knowing how to manage people and keeping up to date with employment legislation are key to the effective functioning of a business. Contact us if you need information on employment and HR issues, motivation, team building, leadership or communication skills.

Model documents

The Library can help supply model documents and legal precedents held in the books and databases in our collection, such as contracts of employment, commercial contracts, non-disclosure agreements, engagement letters, licence agreements and much more.

Our Manufacturing agreements page covers what a manufacturing agreement is, what it should include and how the Library can help by providing model agreements and checklists. We also maintain a page setting out the kinds of model documents which the Library can provide around wills and probate.

Money Laundering

We can provide a range of third-party resources relating to anti-money laundering, including various model documents and checklists.

In addition, our client screening service checks names against UK and international watch lists and can be used as part of your account opening and compliance procedures.

Non-disclosure agreements

Our Non-disclosure agreements page covers how the Library can help entitled users by providing model NDA agreements and checklists, with links to useful resources on NDAs.

Self assessment

Contact the enquiry team if you need a reliable source for capital histories, dividends or March 1982 share prices. We can supply data for up to three companies over the phone, free of charge.


We can provide information on most aspects of UK and international taxation, including double tax treaties. We can also research revenue enquiries or investigations, taxation for different industry sectors and provide overviews of international tax regimes and current tax rates in other countries.

Research for members of the public

The LIS enquiry team can undertake accountancy, tax, legal and business research for members of the public. We charge £15 per 15 minutes of research time. Payment should be made in advance.

About the Library

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