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Help for your research

Discover how ICAEW Library & Information Service can help you find the right information on companies, industry sectors and business around the world.

Company research

Keep up-to-date with the latest information on your industry, competitors and markets. We can provide premium company research through our databases:

Business and industry guides

Do you need to find industry specific information for a client or to gain an understanding of a new market for business? Use our guides to help kick-start your search. The series aims to provide a package of information on each sector, including links to market research reports, statistics, information on import and export, trade bodies and trade journals.

Check our complete A–Z of industry guides or browse guides by sector:

Country resources

Access information on over 170 countries including economic forecasts, guides to doing business, accounting guides and information on the tax climate in each jurisdiction.

See our A–Z of countries or browse resources by region:

Can't find what you're looking for?

The ICAEW Library can give you the right information from trustworthy, professional sources that aren't freely available online. Contact us for expert help with your enquiries and research.

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