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Links FAQ

Frequently asked questions about links on the ICAEW Library's web pages.

How can I suggest a link?

If you would like to suggest a link for inclusion on the links pages please e-mail us at library@icaew.com and your suggestion will be considered by our team.

How do you decide whether sites will be included?

The criteria we use to assess whether sites should be added include:

  • accuracy
  • usefulness/relevance of information to Chartered Accountants
  • depth of information
  • design quality
  • ease of navigation/menuing
  • timeliness of revision
  • authority of the site

How do you identify sites to include?

Websites are identified in many ways, ranging from scanning the professional press to suggestions from our enquiry team who identify sites of interest to members in the course of handling members enquiries.

Broken links

The links on our pages are checked regularly using a tool that identifies links that no longer work. Our team check to see if the location of the websites listed have changed and will modify the link where possible, but if the site or page no longer exists we will remove the link. If you find a link that is broken please let us know at library@icaew.com.

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