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Pannell Kerr Forster

A simplified family tree for the firm of Pannell Kerr Forster showing the development of the firm and how the firm's name has evolved.

Family Tree

This tree is reproduced with the kind permission of Peter Boys and Accountancy magazine. It was originally published in the September 1989 issue of Accountancy (p80).


Ball, Baker, Deed & Co 1960 not Ball, Baker, Deed & Co 1959

The history of the American firm Harris, Kerr, Forster & Company is: Harris, Allan & Company 1911; Harris, Kerr & Company 1919; Harris, Kerr & Cook 1920; and Harris, Kerr, Forster & Company 1933 (A Tradition of Excellence - A Commitment to Progress - A 75-year Perspective, Diana W Wilding with C Everett Johnson, Pannell Kerr Forster, 1986).


Pannell Kerr Forster became PKF late in 2000 (Accountancy, December 2000, p.16).

PKF (UK) LLP left the PKF network in March 2013 and joined BDO LLP. From 28 March 2013, the combined firm operated as one, under the BDO brand and as part of BDO's international network (Press release, 28 March 2013). 

What's in a name: Firms' simplified family trees

Between January and December 1989, accounting historian Peter Boys prepared a series of simplified family trees showing the development of the big accountancy firms of the day.

The original trees from 1989 have been reproduced here with a series of textual updates from Peter Boys which have taken the story forward to May 2005, the 125th anniversary of ICAEW. Since then, the staff of the ICAEW Library & Information Service have added notes on further changes that have taken place.

If you are aware of any further information which would add to or improve the accuracy of the family trees please let us know. You can contact us at library@icaew.com

© Original trees are copyright of Accountancy Magazine and CCH.

© Updates are copyright of Peter Boys.

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