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Historical materials for specialist ICAEW qualifications

In addition to the ACA, ICAEW has offered a number of specialist qualifications and programmes over the years. The ICAEW Library holds a range of materials relating to these courses.

On this page we provide an overview of the historical materials relating to specialist ICAEW qualifications — ie, courses other than the ACA — which are held in the ICAEW Library.

Overview of Library holdings

The Library holds a range of materials relating to various specialist qualifications and programmes that have been offered by ICAEW over the years, in addition to the ACA qualification. These materials include brochures, course overviews, syllabuses, learning materials, examination papers, and pass lists. It should be noted, however, that our holdings are not comprehensive, and vary considerably from course to course.

Some of the courses for which we hold materials are listed below; click on the links to browse relevant holdings via LibCat.

The Library also holds materials relating to Joint Insolvency Examination Board (JIEB) examinations, including syllabuses, instructions to candidates, and examination papers. Full details can be found on LibCat.

Please note that this overview is not exhaustive. If you are looking for materials relating to a qualification not listed above, you can search our collection yourself using LibCat, our online catalogue. Alternatively, please contact us at library@icaew.com.

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