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Accountants at Gallipoli

The hundredth anniversary of the ill-fated Gallipoli campaign is commemorated in 2015, remembering the start of a campaign which cost the lives of over 100,000 soldiers from all sides.

The earliest landings took place on 25 April 1915 and this date is etched into collective memory as the first action seen by the Australian and New Zealand forces in the First World War. Alongside the contingent from the southern hemisphere were soldiers from Britain, France, India and Newfoundland.

The expedition was intended to take the Ottoman Empire out of the war but the allied forces were unable to capture the peninsula. The campaign ended with the evacuation of troops in January 1916. In this time around 50,000 allied soldiers had been killed , with many more wounded or taken seriously ill under the harsh conditions of the battlefield.

Amongst the many thousands of British soldiers killed over the eight months of the campaign were a number of articled clerks and chartered accountants. The Roll of Honour in ‘The Accountant’ recorded the names of some of those who lost their lives, including:

Ralph Dalton Jarvis Brighten

Second Lieutenant Ralph Dalton Jarvis Brighten was killed at the Dardanelles on 15 August 1915. He was buried at Azmak Cemetery, Suvla.

On the outbreak of war Mr. Brighten, who was twenty-two years of age, was serving his articles with the firm of Messrs. W. B. Peat & Co., Chartered Accountants, when he joined the H.A.C., his name appearing in our first list of articled clerks who had enlisted. After nearly five months’ service in Flanders he was granted a commission in the 1/5th Bedfordshire Regiment, which is commanded by his eldest brother, Lieut.-Col. E. H. Brighten. He was the youngest son of Captain Brighten (formerly of the H.A.C.), and was educated at Falmouth and at St Paul’s School, and matriculated in the First Division at the London University in 1909, after which he spent two years in Berlin and Paris, acquiring the languages. He was a freeman of the City of London and liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Bakers.

The Accountant, 11 September 1915.

Frank Taylor Iveson

Lieutenant Frank Taylor Iveson, 5th Manchester Regiment, was killed in action in the Gallipoli Peninsula on 30 June 1915. He was buried at Redoubt Cemetery, Helles.

Mr F.T. Iveson, A.C.A., was a member of the firm J.A. & F.,T. Iveson, Chartered Accountants, of Hexham-on-Tyne. He was admitted a member of the Institute in August 1909. At the outbreak of the war he joined the Officers’ Training Corps in Newcastle, and in September 1914 was transferred to Epsom, to train with the University and Public School Corps. After serving in the ranks for only six weeks he was gazetted Second Lieutenant of the 16th Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry, and before the end of the year had been appointed Adjutant of his battalion, at the same time receiving promotion to the rank of Lieutenant. In May last he was attached to the 5th Manchester Regiment, and sent out to the Dardanelles.

The Accountant, 7 August 1915.

Douglas Milroy

Sub-Lieutenant Douglas Milroy, Collingwood Battalion, Royal Navy Division, was killed in action at the Dardanelles on 4 June 1915. His name appears on the Helles Memorial.

Mr. Milroy was articled to Messrs. Mitchell & Bunting, Chartered Accountants, of Liverpool, in January 1912. For some two years previous to the outbreak of war he had been a member of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, and his name appeared in our first list of articled clerks who had joined the colours on 26th September 1914. Mr. Milroy went out with his company to take part in the defence of Antwerp, and before proceeding to the Dardanelles received a commission as Sub-Lieutenant of the Collingwood Battalion of the Royal Navy Division.

The Accountant, 21 August 1915.

Henry James Sudell

Captain Henry James Sudell, Army Service Corps, died from wounds received at Gallipoli on 28 August 1915. His name appears on the Helles Memorial.

Mr. Sudell, who was 28 years of age, was articled to Messrs. Reeves, Parker & Co., and in May 1912 joined the staff of Messrs. Crewdson, Youatt & Howard at their London office. In February 1913 he was admitted an Associate of the Institute. Shortly after the outbreak of the war he obtained a temporary commission as Lieutenant in the Army Service Corps.

The Accountant, 2 October 1915.

Louis Egbert Tucker

Louis Egbert Tucker, Sub-Lieutenant, Collingwood Battalion, R.N.V.R., was killed in action at the Dardanelles on 7 June 1915. His name appears on the Helles Memorial.

Mr Tucker, who was 24 years of age, was a descendant of Mortimer Tucker, who was secretary to Sir Sidney Smith, who forced the passage of the Dardanelles in 1807. At the outbreak of the war he was a member of the staff of Messrs. Turquand, Youngs & Co., Chartered Accountants, and at once joined the Honourable Artillery Company as a gunner. Subsequently, he was offered, and accepted, a commission in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.

The Accountant, 21 August 1915.

Frederic James Walker

Private Fred J. Walker, A.C.A., died at the Dardanelles on 25 August 1915. His name appears on the Helles Memorial.

Mr. Walker was in his 25th year, he was educated at the Manchester Grammar School, and was articled to Messrs. Dearden, Brewis & Bardsley, Chartered Accountants, Manchester. He passed his Final Examination with Honours in 1912, and shortly afterwards joined the staff of Messrs. W. B. Peat & Co., Ironmonger Lane, London, E.C. He had been a member of the 6th Battalion Manchester Territorial Regiment for about four years, resigning on his leaving Manchester for London. Immediately on the outbreak of war he rejoined his old Battalion in Manchester, and went out to Egypt with them last September; he was wounded on the 4th of June in Gallipoli, but, after about two months in hospital in Egypt, he returned to Gallipoli on the 14th August, and received his fatal wound a few days later, and was buried at sea off Cape Helles on the 26th of August.

The Accountant, 18 September 1915.

Further names

Other names from across the wider profession that appear in pages of 'The Accountant' in relation to the campaign include: 

  • Charles Young Baldwin;
  • John Bennett (Cooper & Cooper);
  • Harry Carmichael (Hardie & Rowan);
  • P. F. Considine (Howden & Molleson);
  • David Boyd Galbraith (John Mann & Son);
  • Thomas Jackson, Jun. (Thomson, Jackson, Gourlay & Taylor);
  • Thomas Killorn;
  • Eric L. Mavor (M’Clelland, Ker & Co.); 
  • J. C. Milne (M’Clelland, Ker & Co.);
  • G. Morton (George Morton & Co.);
  • Alexander Nichol (Kidston, Goff & Findlay).

Articles signed at Gallopli

The career of one Chartered Accountant, Arthur Tyldesley Eaves, began on the battlefield after his father sent his articles out to him. The articles were witnessed by his commanding officer who wrote underneath his signature 'In the field, Gallipoli, 1915'.

A letter from Arthur's principal, Alfred James Adams, also survives in our records recording this unusual location.

Find out more

To find out about the information we hold on articled clerks or chartered accountants who served during the First World War please see our online resources on WW1

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