The ICAEW Royal Charter stipulated the first president and vice-president. Since then, the positions have been elected by Members of the ICAEW Council at the first meeting of the Council after each Annual Meeting (as specified in the bye laws) along with the position of deputy-president when this was added in 1966.
The normal succession from vice-president to president (via deputy-president from 1966) has only operated since the Second World War. Before that it was not unusual for presidents to serve more than one term of office. Not all vice-presidents became presidents; and on a few occasions a member became president without first serving as vice-president.
For details of our current President, Deputy President and Vice-president please see the office holders page
2023/24 - Mark Rhys
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte
Previously: Arthur AndersenDeputy President: Malcolm Bacchus
Vice President: Derek Blair -
2022/2023 - Julia Penny
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (Consulting: Julia Penny Consulting)
Previously: Baker TillyDeputy President: Mark Rhys
Vice President: Malcolm Bacchus -
2021/2022 - William Brooks
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (Business: Eximus Capital)
Previously: Dearden Farrow; Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co.Deputy President: Julia Penny
Vice President: Mark Rhys -
2020/2021 - David Matthews
Firm at time of presidency: KPMG
Deputy President: William Brooks
Vice President: Julia Penny
2019/2020 - Fiona Wilkinson
Firm at time of presidency: Fiona Wilkinson Ltd.
Previously: Touche RossDeputy President: David Matthews
Vice President: Will Brooks -
2018/2019 - Paul Aplin
Firm at time of presidency: AC Mole & Sons
Deputy President: Fiona Wilkinson
Vice President: David Matthews -
2017/2018 - Nick Parker
Firm at time of presidency: RSM UK
Previously: Oury & Co; Touche RossDeputy President: Paul Aplin
Vice President: Fiona Wilkinson -
2016/2017 - Hilary Lindsay
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (Academia: Open University Business School)
Previously: Davies & CraneDeputy President: Nick Parker
Vice President: Paul Aplin -
2015/2016 - Andrew Radcliffe
Firm at time of presidency: PWC
Deputy President: Hilary Lindsay
Vice President: Nick Parker -
2014/2015 - Arthur Bailey
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (Consultant at Begbies Traynor Group and Kingston Smith, various non-executive directorships)
Previously: Donald Bates & Co; Bentley Jennison (now part of Baker Tilly).Deputy President: Andrew Radcliffe
Vice President: Hilary Lindsay -
2013/2014 - Martyn Jones
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte.
Previously: Robson Rhodes; Deloitte Haskins & SellsDeputy President: Arthur Bailey
Vice President: Andrew Radcliffe -
2012/2013 - Mark Spofforth
Firm at time of presidency: Spofforths (now Kreston Reeves)
Deputy president: Martyn Jones
Vice president: Arthur Bailey -
2011/2012 - Clive Parritt
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (Chairman of BG Training and various non-executive directorships).
Previously: Fuller Jenks Beecroft, (later Touche Ross), Baker TillyDeputy president: Mark Spofforth
Vice President: Martyn Jones -
2010/2011 - Gerald Russell
Firm at time of presidency: Ernst & Young (joined when Ernst &Whinney)
Deputy president: Clive Parritt
Vice president: Mark Spofforth -
2009/2010 - Martin Hagen
Firm at time of presidency: Consultant for Deloitte (retired as a partner in 2005).
Previously: Knox Franklin & Co.; Spicer and Pegler; Touche Ross; Deloitte & ToucheDeputy president: Gerald Russell
Vice president: Clive Parritt -
2008/2009 - David Furst
Firm at time of presidency: Horwath Clark Whitehill
Deputy president: Martin Hagen
Vice president: Gerald Russell -
2007/2008 - Richard Dyson
Firm at time of presidency: Ernst & Young (articled with Ernst & Whinney)
Deputy President: David Furst
Vice President: Martin Hagen -
2006/2007 - (James) Ian Morris / Richard Dyson
On the withdrawal of his candidacy by Deputy President Graham Duggan, Council decided to elect Ian Morris to serve for an additional six months as President and for Richard Dyson then to take over the Presidency and be formally re-elected in June 2007.
2005/2006 - (James) Ian Morris
Firm at presidency: Morris & Co. and Turner Peachey
Previously: E Noel Humphreys & Co.Deputy president: Graham Duggan
Vice president: Richard Dyson -
2004/2005 - Paul Druckman
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (Chairman -Clear Group; Director - Access Accounts)
Deputy president: (James) Ian Morris
Vice president: Graham Durgan -
2003/2004 - David Illingworth
Firm at time of presidency: KPMG
Previously: KMG Thomson McLintockDeputy president: Paul Druckman
Vice president: (James) Ian Morris -
2002/2003 - Peter Wyman
Firm at time of presidency: PricewaterhouseCoopers
Previously: Ogden Parsons & Co; Harmood Banner; Deloitte, Haskins & SellsDeputy president: David Illingworth
Vice president: Paul Druckman -
2001/2002 - Michael Groom
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (Non-executive director)
Previously: Plevey &Co; Dixon Hopkinson; Camp Ravenscroft & Co; Tansley Witt/Binder HamlynDeputy president: Peter Wyman
Vice president: David Illingworth -
2000/2001 - Graham Ward
Firm at time of presidency: PricewaterhouseCoopers
Deputy president: Michael Groom
Vice president: Peter Wyman
1999/2000 - Sheila Masters
Firm at time of presidency: KPMG
Previously: Peat Marwick Mitchell & CoDeputy President: Graham Ward
Vice President: Michael GroomNote: Sheila Masters is now Baroness Noakes
1998/1999 - Christopher Swinson
Firm at time of presidency: BDO Stoy Hayward
Previously:Price Waterhouse; Hacker Young; Binder HamlynDeputy President: Sheila Masters
Vice President: Graham Ward -
1997/1998 - Christopher Lainé
Firm at time of presidency: Coopers & Lybrand
Previously: Cooper Brothers & Co
Deputy President: Christopher Swinson
Vice President: Sheila Masters -
1996/1997 - Brian Currie
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (Business adviser/director)
Previously: Arthur AndersenDeputy President: Christopher Lainé
Vice President: Christopher Swinson -
1995/1996 - Keith Woodley
Firm at time of presidency: Woodley K S
Previously: Deloitte Plender Griffiths & Co; Deloitte Haskins & Sells
Deputy President: Brian Currie
Vice President: Christopher Lainé -
1994/1995 - Roger Lawson
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (Director 3i PLC)
Previously: Wilson de Zouche & MackenzieDeputy President: Keith Woodley
Vice President: Brian Currie -
1993/1994 - Michael Chamberlain
Firm at time of presidency: KPMG Peat Marwick
Deputy President: Roger Lawson
Vice President: Keith Woodley -
1992/1993 - William Plaistowe
Firm at time of presidency: Arthur Andersen
Deputy President: Michael Chamberlain
Vice President: Roger Lawson -
1991/1992 - Ian McNeil
Firm at time of presidency: Moores Rowland
Previously: Nevill Hovey Gardner
Deputy President: William Plaistowe
Vice President: Michael ChamberlainNote: Ian McNeil's father had also been president, in 1965/66.
1990/1991 - Michael Lickiss
Firm at time of presidency: Grant Thornton
Previously: Thornton BakerDeputy President: Ian McNeil
Vice President: William Plaistowe -
1989/1990 - Philip Couse
Firm at time of presidency: Coopers & Lybrand
Deputy President: Michael Lickiss
Vice President: Ian McNeil -
1988/1989 - Francis Worsley
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (The Financial Training Co Ltd, Chairman)
Previously: Barton, Mayhew & Co; Anderson Thomas FrankelDeputy President: Philip Couse
Vice President: Michael Lickiss -
1987/1988 - Arthur Green
Firm at time of presidency: Grant Thornton
Previously: Bryce Hanmer & Co; Thornton BakerDeputy President: Francis Worsley
Vice President: Philip Couse -
1986/1987 - Derek Boothman
Firm at time of presidency: Binder Hamlyn
Previously: J. Needham & CoDeputy President: Arthur Green
Vice President: Francis Worsley -
1985/1986 - Brian Jenkins
Firm at time of presidency: Coopers & Lybrand
Previously: Cooper Brothers & Co.Deputy President: Derek Boothman
Vice President: Arthur Green -
1984/1985 - Alan Hardcastle
Firm at time of presidency: Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co
Previously: B.W.BrixeyDeputy President: Brian Jenkins
Vice President: Derek Boothman -
1983/1984 - Edward Ray / Alan Hardcastle
When Deputy President John Cormie died in February 1983, serving President Edward Ray and then Vice President Alan Hardcastle agreed to serve as President for 18 months each.
Deputy President: Alan Hardcastle
Vice President: Brian Jenkins -
1982/1983 - Edward Ray
Firm at time of presidency: Spicer & Pegler
Deputy President: John Cormie*
Vice President: Alan Hardcastle*John Cormie died in February 1983
1981/1982 - Harry Singer
Firm at time of presidency: Singer & Partners
Deputy President: Edward Ray
Vice President: John Cormie -
1980/1981 - Richard Wilkes
Firm at time of presidency: Price Waterhouse & Co
Previously: Bolton BullivantDeputy President: Harry Singer
Vice President: Edward Ray
1979/1980 - David Richards
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte Haskins & Sells
Previously: Harmood Banner & CoDeputy President: Richard Wilkes
Vice President: Harry Singer -
1978/1979 - Eric Sayers
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (Duport Ltd - Chairman)
Deputy President: David Richards
Vice President: Richard Wilkes -
1977/1978 - Brian Maynard
Firm at time of presidency: Coopers & Lybrand
Deputy President: Eric Sayers
Vice President: David Richards -
1976/1977 - Stanley Kitchen
Firm at time of presidency: Touche Ross & Co
Previously: Foster & StephensDeputy President: Brian Maynard
Vice President: Eric Sayers -
1975/1976 - John Grenside
Firm at time of presidency: Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co
Deputy President: Stanley Kitchen
Vice President: Brian Maynard -
1974/1975 - Kenneth Sharp
Firm at time of presidency: Armstrong, Watson & Co
Deputy President: John Grenside
Vice President: Stanley Kitchen -
1973/1974 - Edmund Wright
Firm at time of presidency: Dearden, Lord, Annan, Morrish
Deputy President: Kenneth Sharp
Vice President: John Grenside -
1972/1973 - Douglas Morpeth
Firm at time of presidency: Touche Ross & Co
Deputy President: Edmund Wright
Vice President: Kenneth Sharp -
1971/1972 - Arthur Walton
Firm at time of presidency: Lysons, Haworth & Sankey
Previously: Lysons & TalbotDeputy President: Douglas Morpeth
Vice President: Edmund Wright -
1970/1971 - Claude Croxton-Smith
Firm at time of presidency: Watling & Partners
Deputy President: Arthur Walton
Vice President: Douglas Morpeth -
1969/1970 - Ronald Leach
Firm at time of presidency: Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co
Deputy President: Claude Croxton-Smith
Vice President: Arthur Walton -
1968/1969 - Stanley Dixon
Firm at time of presidency: Non-practising (The Midland-Yorkshire Tar Distillers Ltd - Chairman)
Previously: Leather & Veale; Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.Deputy President: Ronald Leach
Vice President: Claude Croxton-Smith -
1967/1968 - Walter Parker
Firm at time of presidency: Price Waterhouse & Co
Deputy President: Stanley Dixon
Vice President: Ronald Leach -
1966/1967 - Henry Benson
Firm at time of presidency: Cooper Brothers & Co
Deputy President: Walter Parker
Vice President: Stanley DixonNote: Sir Henry's Benson was the great nephew of Arthur and Ernest Cooper, previous ICAEW presidents.
1965/66 - Robert McNeil
Firm at time of presidency: Nevill, Hovey, Gardner & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Henry Benson
Note: Robert McNeil's son Ian also served as president, in 1991/92.
1964/1965 - Wilfred Densem
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Robert McNeil
1963/1964 - Robert Winter
Firm at time of presidency: Winter, Robinson, Sisson & Benson
Vice/Deputy President: Wilfrid Densem
1962/1963 - Percy Carpenter
Firm at time of presidency: W B Keen & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Robert Winter
1961/1962 - Paul Granger
Firm at time of presidency: Mellors, Basden & Mellors
Vice/Deputy President: Percy Carpenter
1960/1961 - Sidney Pears
Firm at time of presidency: Cooper Brothers & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Paul Granger
1959/1960 - Charles Peat
Firm at time of presidency: Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Sidney John Pears
Note: Charles Peat's father had also been president from 1906-1908.
1958/1959 - William Barrows
Firm at time of presidency: Howard Smith, Thompson & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Charles Peat
1957/1958 - William Lawson
Firm at time of presidency: Binder, Hamlyn & Co
Vice/Deputy President: William Barrows
1956/1957 - Arthur Dicker
Firm at time of presidency: Lovewell Blake & Co
Vice/Deputy President: William Lawson
1955/1956 - William Carrington
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Smith & Whinney
Previously: Whinney Murray & CoVice/Deputy President: Arthur Dicker
1954/1955 - Donald House
Firm at time of presidency: Harmood Banner, Lewis & Mounsey
Previously: Harmood Banner & Co.Vice/Deputy President: William Carrington
1953/1954 - James Blakey
Firm at time of presidency: Litton, Pownall, Blakey & Higson
Vice/Deputy President: Donald House
1952/1953 - Thomas Robson
Firm at time of presidency: Price Waterhouse & Co
Previously: Sisson & AlldenVice/Deputy President: James Blakey
1951/1952 - Charles Boyce
Firm at time of presidency: Boyce, Welch & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Thomas Robson
1950/1951 - Harold Ash
Firm at time of presidency: James, Edwards & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Charles Boyce
1949/1950 - Russell Kettle
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Harold Ash
1948/1949 - Bernhard Binder
Firm at time of presidency: Binder, Hamlyn & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Russell Kettle
1947/1948 - Gilbert Shepherd
Firm at time of presidency: Gilbert Shepherd, Owen & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Bernhard Binder
1946/1947 - Edward Jones / Gilbert Shepherd
Firm at time of presidency: Allan, Charlesworth & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Gilbert Shepherd
Note: Edward Furnival Jones died in 1946 and was replaced by his deputy Gilbert Shepherd, who therefore served as President for 18 months.
1945/1946 - Harold Howitt
Firm at time of presidency: Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Edward Jones
1944/1945 - Harold Barton
Firm at time of presidency: Barton, Mayhew & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Harold Howitt
1943/1944 - Charles Palmour
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Smith & Whinney
Vice/Deputy President: Tom Walton
1942/1943 - Charles Palmour
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Smith & Whinney
Vice/Deputy President: Tom Walton
1941/1942 - Charles Palmour
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Smith & Whinney
Vice/Deputy President: Tom Walton
1940/1941 - Charles Palmour
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Smith & Whinney
Vice/Deputy President: Tom Walton
1939/1940 - Charles Palmour
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Smith & Whinney
Vice/Deputy President: Tom Walton
1938/1939 - Charles Palmour
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Smith & Whinney
Vice/Deputy President: Tom Walton
1937/1938 - Frank Fisher
Firm at time of presidency: Fuller, Wise, Fisher & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Charles Palmour
1936/1937 - Roger Carter
Firm at time of presidency: Carter, Chaloner & Meggison and Carter, Chaloner & Kearns
Vice/Deputy President: Frank Fisher
1935/1936 - Arthur Cutforth
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Roger Carter
1934/1935 - Arthur Cutforth
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Roger Carter
1933/1934 - Henry Hill
Firm at time of presidency: Hill, Vellacott & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Arthur Cutforth
1932/1933 - Clare Smith
Firm at time of presidency: Hudson Smith, Briggs & Co. and Kemp, Chatteris, Nichols, Sendell & Co.
Vice/Deputy President: Arthur Cutforth
1931/1932 - Henry Hill
Firm at time of presidency: Hill, Vellacott & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Clare Smith
1930/1931 - Harold Kemp
Firm at time of presidency: Kemp, Chatteris, Nichols, Sendell & Co and Hudson Smith, Briggs & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Adam Turquand-Young / Henry Hill
1929/1930 - William Plender
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Harold Kemp
1928/1929 - Nicholas Waterhouse
Firm at time of presidency: Price, Waterhouse & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Harold Kemp
Note: Sir Nicholas Waterhouse's father Edwin had been president from 1892-1894.
1927/1928 - Richard March
Firm at time of presidency: R H March, Son & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Nicholas Waterhouse
1926/1927 - Arthur Winney
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Smith & Whinney
Vice/Deputy President: Richard March
Note: Sir Arthur Whinney's father, Frederick was also president, in 1883/84.
1925/1926 - George Freeman
Firm at time of presidency: Gane, Jackson, Jefferys & Freeman
Vice/Deputy President: Arthur Whinney
1924/1925 - Thomas Mellors
Firm at time of presidency: Mellors, Basden & Mellors
Vice/Deputy President: Gorge Freeman
1923/1924 - Edward Moore / Thomas Mellors
Firm at time of presidency: Edward Moore & Sons
Previously:Vice/Deputy President: Thomas Mellors
Note: Edward Moore died in December 1923 and was succeeded by his Deputy Thomas Mellors who therefore served as president for 18 months.
1922/1923 - William Cash
Firm at time of presidency: Cash, Stone & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Edward Moore
1921/1922 - William Cash
Firm at time of presidency: Cash, Stone & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Alfred Harper
1920/1921 - John Gordon
Firm at time of presidency: Cash, Stone & Co
Vice/Deputy President: William Cash
1919/1920 - John Woodthorpe
Firm at time of presidency: Woodthorpe, Bevan & Co
Vice/Deputy President: John Gordon
1918/1919 - Frederic Young
Firm at time of presidency: Turquand, Youngs & Co
Vice/Deputy President: John William Woodthorpe
1917/1918 - Frederic Young
Firm at time of presidency: Turquand, Youngs & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Walter Blease
1916/1917 - Arthur Gibson
Firm at time of presidency: Gibson & Ashford
Vice/Deputy President: Frederick Young
1915/1916 - Horace Kirby
Firm at time of presidency: Fuller, Wise, Kirby & Fisher
Vice/Deputy President: Arthur Gibson
1914/1915 - Horace Kirby
Firm at time of presidency: Fuller, Wise, Kirby & Fisher
Vice/Deputy President: Arthur Gibson
1913/1914 - Horace Kirby
Firm at time of presidency: Fuller, Wise, Kirby & Fisher
Vice/Deputy President: Basil Hardcastle
1912/1913 - Jarvis Barber
Firm at time of presidency: Jarvis Barber & Sons
Vice/Deputy President: Horace Kirby
1911/1912 - William Plender
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Horace Kirby
1910/1911 - William Plender
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Jarvis Barber
1909/1910 - Algernon Miles
Firm at time of presidency: Josolyne, Miles & Co
Vice/Deputy President: William Plender
1908/1909 - John Ball Ball
Firm at time of presidency: Ball, Baker, Deed, Cornish & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Algernon Miles
1907/1908 - William Peat
Firm at time of presidency: W B Peat & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Thomas Bowden
Note: William Peat's son Charles was also president in 1959/60.
1906/1907 - William Peat
Firm at time of presidency: W B Peat & Co
Vice/Deputy President: John Ball
Note: William Peat's son Charles was also president in 1959/60.
1905/1906 - John Gane
Firm at time of presidency: Gane, Jackson, Jefferys, Wells & Co
Vice/Deputy President: William Peat
1904/1905 - John Harmood-Banner
Firm at time of presidency: Harmood Banner & Son
Vice/Deputy President: John Gane
1903/1904 - Francis Pixley
Firm at time of presidency: Jackson, Pixley, Browning, Husey & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Thomas George Shuttleworth
1902/1903 - Alfred James
Firm at time of presidency: James & Edwards
Vice/Deputy President: Francis Pixley
1901/1902 - Walter Fisher
Firm at time of presidency: Fisher, Randle & Fisher
Vice/Deputy President: Alfred James
- 1900/1901 - Ernest Cooper
1899/1900 - Ernest Cooper
Firm at time of presidency: Cooper Brothers & Co
Vice/Deputy President: John Harwood-Banner
Note: Ernest Cooper's brother Arthur had served as president from 1883-1884
1898/1899 - John Griffiths
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte, Dever, Griffiths & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Ernest Cooper
1897/1898 - John Griffiths
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte, Dever, Griffiths & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Walter Fisher
1896/1897 - George Knox
Firm at time of presidency: Knox, Burbidge, Cropper & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Walter Fisher
- 1895/1896 - Charles Kemp
- 1894/1895 - Charles Kemp
1893/1894 - Edwin Waterhouse
Firm at time of presidency: Price, Waterhouse & Co
Previously: Price, Holyland and WaterhouseVice/Deputy President: John Griffiths
1892/1893 - Edwin Waterhouse
Firm at time of presidency: Price, Waterhouse & Co
Previously: Price, Holyland and WaterhouseVice/Deputy President: John Griffiths
Note: Edwin Waterhouse's son Nicholas was also president, in 1928/29.
1891/1892 - Thomas Welton
Firm at time of presidency: Welton, Jones & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Edward Carter
1890/1891 - Joseph Saffrey
Firm at time of presidency: Saffery, Son & Company
Vice/Deputy President: Thomas Welton
1889/1890 - Joseph Saffrey
Firm at time of presidency: Saffery, Son & Company
Vice/Deputy President: Adam Murray
1888/1889 - William Deloitte
Firm at time of presidency: Deloitte, Dever, Griffiths & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Joseph Saffrey
1887/1888 - Frederick Whinney
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Hurlbatt & Smith
Previously: Harding, Whinney & CoVice/Deputy President: William Deloitte
1886/1887 - Frederick Whinney
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Hurlbatt & Smith
Previously: Harding, Whinney & CoVice/Deputy President: William Deloitte
1885/1886 - Frederick Whinney
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Hurlbatt & Smith
Previously: Harding, Whinney & CoVice/Deputy President: William Deloitte
1884/1885 - Frederick Whinney
Firm at time of presidency: Whinney, Hurlbatt & Smith
Previously: Harding, Whinney & CoVice/Deputy President: William Deloitte
Note: Frederick Whinney's son Arthur was also president, in 1926/27.
1883/1884 - Arthur Cooper
Firm at time of presidency: Cooper Brothers & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Frederick Whinney
Note: Arthur Cooper's brother also served as president from 1899-1901.
1882/1883 - Robert Harding
Firm at time of presidency: Harding, Whinney & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Arthur Cooper
1881/1882 - William Turquand
Firm at time of presidency: Turquand, Youngs & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Robert Palmer Harding
1880/1881 - William Turquand
Firm at time of presidency: Turquand, Youngs & Co
Vice/Deputy President: Robert Palmer Harding
See also
For the 125th anniversary of ICAEW in 2005 Peter Boys updated his article from 1990 analysing the Past presidents from 1880 to 2005, looking at aspects such as the breakdown of firms that the presidents served with. Peter Boys kindly gave the ICAEW Library & Information Service permission to reproduce the updated article on our website and this can be downloaded in PDF format.
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