Use our industry guide to find key background information, market research, import and export guidelines, statistics, legislation, trade bodies and trade publications.
The Business & Industry Guides series is produced by the Library & Information Service for ICAEW members and ACA students.
We can compile tailored key players reports, mailing lists, market reports, benchmarking reports and industry news. Our enquiry team can also research other industry-specific information, such as taxation, for you. Call us on +44 (0)20 7920 8620 or email
Trends and forecasts
Online articles
The library provides full access to articles from leading business, finance and management journals.
Access to articles is provided subject to suppliers’ terms of use.
Market research
Market research reports focusing on this business sector are available from a number of market research specialists. In most cases these reports are available to fee-paying subscribers or on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Industry profiles and SWOT analyses
Online industry profiles and reports available exclusively for members and ACA students through the Library & Information Service give an overview of market size, competitive landscape and provide a forecast of market performance.
If you’re looking for industry profiles for regions or countries not listed above, please contact the Library on +44 (0)20 7920 8620 or email
SWOT analyses examining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for major companies operating in this sector are available.
If you experience any problems accessing these resources, please see our online resources troubleshooting FAQ.
Other market research specialists
Some free information is available from the following market research specialists, ranging from industry news to executive summaries of the reports.
A full listing of reference products and research reports for real estate and business services, which includes architectural services, from Euromonitor, with a range of global, country and company
level reports. Each report provides a contents listing and a useful executive summary reporting on the key trends in each country report.
Fees Bureau
Reports covering fee data, performance and earnings within different sectors of architectural services.
Busines and industry research specialists offering reports on a wide range of sectors, including architectural activities. Report snapshots, table of contents and a sample report are available. The
company also produces global industry research reports.
Report from Mintel covering UK architectural services market. The website includes a summary and the option to view a contents listing.
Industry news
Need to find the latest news on this industry sector? We can carry out industry news searches using a range of trade titles and general business sources through our databases. To discuss your requirements, please contact the enquiry team on +44 (0)20 7920 8620 or at
Statistics on the UK
Office for National Statistics
The Annual Business Survey (ABS) from the Office for National Statistics collects financial information covering UK production, construction, distribution and service industries. Statistics available include:
- number of enterprises;
- total turnover;
- approximate gross value added at basic prices;
- total purchases of goods, materials and services;
- total employment costs;
- total net capital expenditure;
- total net capital expenditure – acquisitions;
- total net capital expenditure – disposals;
- total stocks and work in progress – value at end of year;
- total stocks and work in progress – value at beginning of year;
- total stocks and work in progress – increase during year.
The dataset Non-financial business economy, UK: Sections A to S includes statistics for:
- Architectural activities (71.11)
See Section M: Professional, scientific and technical activities
The Turnover and Orders inProduction and Services Industries report provides monthly current price estimates of turnover and orders for the construction, services and manufacturing industries, which includes architectural and engineering services.
Architects' Journal produces an annual league table of the biggest architecture practices in Britain, the AJ100. The data gives practice size, region, clients and income.
Building magazine compiles an annual ranking of Top 200 Consultants, which includes a league table of the Top 100 Architects. Access is available to registered users.
Statistics on Europe
Eurostat, the EU statistics hub, collates detailed Structural Business Statistics giving the latest figures for industry, construction, trade and services by sector and country. The indicators available include:
- number of enterprises
- turnover or gross premiums written
- production value
- value added at factor cost
- gross operating surplus
- wages and salaries
- social security costs
- gross investment in tangible goods
- gross investment in land
- gross investment in existing buildings and structures
- gross investment in construction and alteration of buildings
- gross investment in machinery and equipment
- number of employees
- number of persons employed per enterprise.
Statistics within the database are available for:
- Architectural activities (M7111)
See the database section ‘SBS – services’
The annual Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES), published by the Office for National Statistics, includes total employee and employment estimates for different industries for Great Britain and the UK. Figures are broken down to show full-time/part-time and public/private splits. The dataset Industry – Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES): Table 2 includes statistics for:
- Architectural activities (71111)
The Office for National Statistics publication Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) includes average employment costs within this sector which can be found in Table 14. Average employment costs are provided for full-time employees, part-time employees and all employees.
The data includes average employment costs for:
- architects
- architectural technologists and town planning technicians
- draughtspersons.
Other regions
Please see individual country profile pages for links to sources of national statistics.
UK business guides
Croner-i Business Focus
Business Focus is a resource that provides practical information on many small business trades and sectors. Its Business Opportunity Profiles offer detailed insights into market conditions, legal issues and the trading environment for a range of businesses. These include:
- Architect
To find out more about Business Focus, please contact our enquiry team on +44 (0)20 7920 8620 or at
Atom Content Marketing guides
The Start Up Donut from Atom Content Marketing provides practical information on starting up and running a number of small business types. Guides cover a range of areas including market research, current trends, regulations, products and services, promotion and pricing. They include:
UK key players, ratios and trends
We can produce reports on this sector using selected information from the FAME company database. Reports are available for:
- Architectural activities
UK SIC (2007) Code 71.11
Summaries of the three types of report we can produce are given below. You can find further information, a sample report, pricing details and an online order form on our industry sector reports page.
We also operate a bespoke reports service with results tailored to your specifications. Please contact our enquiry team on +44 (0)20 7920 8620 or at to discuss your requirements.
Key players report
Our key players report looks at the top companies (by turnover) in any one of the segments within this sector. Reports usually include the top 100 companies but in more specialised sectors with fewer than 100 companies we show all companies with disclosed figures. The reports provide data on 11 comparative fields for the last available year, including:
- turnover;
- profit margins;
- returns on shareholder funds;
- solvency ratios
- number of employees.
Our reports enable easy comparison of the top companies in this sector against each other and against the sector median, average and standard deviation in each of the 11 fields.
Mailing list
A separate mailing list report is also available with address and contact details for the top companies in any of the segments within this sector.
Market reports
Our market reports look at the aggregated data for the top companies (by turnover) for any of the segments within this sector across all the fields usually found in a company report. The reports include data for the last 10 years* and enables easy comparison of trends for the whole sector. Reports usually include the top 100 companies but in more specialised sectors with fewer than 100 companies we show all companies with disclosed figures.
*Please note the number of companies for which data is aggregated will vary for any given year.
The market reports include sections on:
- key financials and employees;
- profit and loss account;
- balance sheet;
- cash flow statement;
- financial ratios;
- financial trends and changes;
- profitability trends and changes.
UK benchmarking
We offer benchmarking reports that can be used to inform your own business strategy or help you identify value-added services to offer to your clients.
Contact the enquiry team directly on +44 (0)20 7920 8620 or at for a report tailored to your own specific requirements.
Useful links
RIBA Business Benchmarking Survey
RIBA conduct an annual survey of its members allowing practices to compare:
- profit to turnover
- profit per fee earner
- profit per partner or director
- turnover per fee earner
- marketing spend
- hourly charge-out rates
- targeted chargeable hours
- salaries
- client types and sectors.
An executive summary of the 2017 survey is available to non-members.
Trade bodies
The websites of trade bodies in this sector are a useful source of industry overviews, contacts and statistics.
- Architects Registration Board
- Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE)
- Association of Consultant Architects (ACA)
- Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT)
- Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)
- Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
The Architects Council of Europe has a list of member organisations with contact details and links to major professional bodies in the region.
Middle East
- Order of Engineers and Architects (Lebanon)
- Saudi Umran Society
- Society of Iranian Architects and Planners
- Union of Architects in Georgia
- Africa Union of Architects
- Architectural Association of Kenya
- Ordres des Architectes du Sénégal
- South African Institute of Architects
- Uganda Society of Architects
- American Institute of Architects
- Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil
- Unión Nacional de Arquitectos e Ingenieros de la Construcción deCuba
- Architects Association of Macau
- Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA)
- Architectural Society of China
- Hong Kong Institute of Architects
- Japan Institute of Architects
- Korea Institute of Registered Architects
- Society of Nepalese Architects
South Asia
- Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA)
- Indian Institute of Architects
- Institute of Architects Pakistan
- Sri Lanka Institute of Architects
South East Asia
- Architect Council of Thailand
- Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA)
- Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia
- Malaysian Institute of Architects
- Singapore Institute of Architects
- United Architects of the Philippines
Trade journals and publications
Trade journals, B2B magazines and specialist consumer magazines are another useful source of news and statistics.
- Architects' Journal
- Architectural Review
- Architecture Today
- BD
- Icon
- Urban Realm
- BCI Asia - publishes a number of magazines on the architecture and construction sectors
Further reading
Articles and books in the Library collection
To find out how you can borrow books from the Library please see our guide to book loans. You can obtain copies of articles or extracts of books and reports by post or email through our document supply service.
Can't find what you're looking for?
The ICAEW Library can give you the right information from trustworthy, professional sources that aren't freely available online. Contact us for expert help with your enquiries and research.
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