Use our industry guide to find key background information, market research, import and export guidelines, statistics, legislation, trade bodies and trade publications.
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Trends and forecasts
Market research
Market research reports focusing on this business sector are available from a number of market research specialists. In most cases these reports are available to fee-paying subscribers or on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Some free information is available from the following market research specialists, ranging from industry news to executive summaries of the reports.
A full listing of reference products and research reports on motorcycles, bicycles and other transport equipment from Euromonitor, with a range of global, country and company level reports. Each report provides a contents listing and a useful executive summary reporting on the key trends in each country report.
National Bicycle Dealers Association
The trade body publishes reports on the US bicycle market with information on imports, exports, retailers, brands and trends. A bicycle market 2021 overview is available.
Industry news
Statistics on the UK
British Cycling
British Cycling, Sky and London School of Economics (LSE) conducted a study published in 2011 analysing cycling's contribution to the UK economy. TheBritish cycling economy: ‘Gross Cycling Product’ report is available to download from LSE and includes data on:
- infrastructure
- employment in different industry sectors
- the impact of cycling events
- different cycling segments
- investment.
Department for Transport
The Department for Transport publishes a collection of walking and cycling statistics as well as Transport Statistics Great Britain, an annual compendium of data. Figures include:
- proportion of residents who cycle
- how often people cycle
- cycle ride lengths
- cycle ride purposes
- cycling to work
- where usually cycled
- bicycle ownership by age
- bicycle trips by age and gender.
Office for National Statistics
The Annual Business Survey (ABS) from the Office for National Statistics collects financial information covering UK production, construction, distribution and service industries. Statistics available include:
The dataset Non-financial business economy, UK: Sections A to S includes statistics for:
- Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages (30.92)
See Section C: Manufacturing
Statistics on Europe
CONEBI is the result of the merger between COLIPED (the Association of the European Two-Wheeler Parts’ and Accessories’ Industry) and COLIBI (the Association of the European Bicycle and e-Bike Industry) in November 2014. They regularly publish the European Bicycle Market and Industry Profile. This economic study offers data on:
- bicycle production
- bicycle parts and accessories production
- bicycle sales
- employment.
Eurostat, the EU statistics hub, collates detailed Structural Business Statistics giving the latest figures for industry, construction, trade and services by sector and country. The indicators available include:
- number of enterprises
- turnover or gross premiums written
- production value
- value added at factor cost
- gross operating surplus
- wages and salaries
- social security costs
- gross investment in tangible goods
- gross investment in land
- gross investment in existing buildings and structures
- gross investment in construction and alteration of buildings
- gross investment in machinery and equipment
- number of employees
- number of persons employed per enterprise.
Statistics within the database are available for:
- Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages (C3092)
See database section ‘SBS – industry and construction’
Statistics on Asia
Japan Bicycle Promotion Institute
The Japan Bicycle Promotion Institute compiles reports on Japanese bicycle production, import and export.
Global statistics
The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) collects and compiles industrial statistics known as INDSTAT, which give information on:
- number of employees
- number of establishments
- output
- value added
- total wages and salaries.
Statistics by country are available for:
- Bicycles and invalid carriages (3592)
UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database (Comtrade)
The UN compiles and publishes international import and export statistics in the Commodity Trade Statistics Database (Comtrade), giving figures for goods traded by value, quantity and weight for each country.
Statistics are available for:
- Vehicles other than railway, tramway (87)
UN Industrial Commodity Statistics Database
The UN provides statistics on the quantity of goods produced by country in the Industrial Commodity Statistics Database.
Figures are available for:
- Bicycles and other cycles, not motorized (49)
The annual Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES), published by the Office for National Statistics, includes total employee and employment estimates for different industries for Great Britain and the UK. Figures are broken down to show full-time/part-time and public/private splits. The dataset Industry – Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES): Table 2 includes statistics for:
- Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages (30920)
The Office for National Statistics publication Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) includes average employment costs within this sector which can be found in Table 14. Average employment costs are provided for full-time employees, part-time employees and all employees.
The data includes average employment costs for:
- sports players
- sports coaches, instructors and officials.
Other regions
Please see individual country profile pages for links to sources of national statistics.
Import and export
Trade Tariff
The Trade Tariff is a useful database listing tax, duties and licenses for the import and export of goods between the UK and other countries. The database is searchable by product or commodity code and results can be filtered by date and country. Information also includes links to relevant conditions and regulations.
See import and export information for:
UK business guides
Atom Content Marketing guides
The Start Up Donut from Atom Content Marketing provides practical information on starting up and running a number of small business types. Guides cover a range of areas including market research, current trends, regulations, products and services, promotion and pricing. They include:
UK key players, ratios and trends
UK benchmarking
Trade journals and publications
Trade journals, B2B magazines and specialist consumer magazines are another useful source of news and statistics.
Trade bodies
The websites of trade bodies in this sector are a useful source of industry overviews, contacts and statistics.
- Association of Cycle Traders (ACT)
- Bicycle Association of Great Britain
- British Cycling
- International Mountain Biking Association UK (IMBA)
- CTC: The national cycling charity
Further resources
Cycling industry guide: British Library
British Library industry guides provide listings of resources for industry-specific information, including print directories and materials held by the British Library.
Contact the British Library Business and IP Centre for more information.
Further reading
Articles and books in the Library collection
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