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Online resources in the Business Centre

Access the library's catalogue and collection of online resources whilst in Chartered Accountants' Hall


Croner-i Tax and Accounting UK GAAP/IFRS standards and commentary, practice management, audit and accounts tools and industry guides. 
PWC Viewpoints UK GAAP/IFRS standards and commentary (PWC Manual of Accounting), illustrated example accounts 


FAME UK & Ireland company data and original documents
EBSCO Business Source Corporate Market research reports and company profiles. Access to leading business journals and trade magazines, inc. Harvard Business Review and Management Today


Lexis+ UK law and tax journals, tax cases, law reports, precedents and forms
Encyclopedia of forms & precedents Collection of legal forms and precedents


Croner-i Tax and Accounting              Tax legislation and treaties, HMRC manuals, tax cases, guidance and analysis
IBFD Tax Research Cross-border tax research platform. Includes country profiles and a repository of double tax-treaties


Tolley tax publications, inc. Simon's Taxes, Yellow Tax Handbook, Tolley's Income Tax
Tax Hub Database summarising articles from leading tax journals, many held in print by the library. Includes tax cases


EBSCO eBooks eBook collection mainly focused on accounting, taxation, finance and business management
Ebook Central eBook collection mainly focused on accounting, business management and economics
A-Z of eBooks* Full index of the Library's collection of eBooks
eBooks by subject* The Library's eBook collection, arranged by broad subject areas
* You will need to use your ICAEW login to access these materials


EBSCO Business source corporate Access to thousands of journals and trade publications. Collection also includes market research reports and worldwide company profiles
Emerald Accounting & Finance Journals Access to a package of accounting, finance and economics eJournals
Taylor & Francis Access to Accounting and Business Research

Business Centre opening hours

  • The Business Centre is open from 09:00 to 17:00 Monday-Friday (except bank holidays).
  • Some of the databases above are available remotely - see our database page for details.


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