Displaying 1-10 of 53 results
Accounting and finance policies and procedures
- 2008
- Rose Hightower
- Wiley
Policies and procedures are the foundation of internal controls for organizations, this book enables you to hit the ground running and significantly accelerate your completion of a solid policies and procedures program. This book provides sample documents can be personalised and customised to meet your company's needs
Assert yourself: how to find your voice and make your mark
- 2009
- Bloomsbury Publishing Staff
- Bloomsbury Publishing
Practical advice on assertiveness to help you find your voice and make your mark.
Auditing the risk management process
- 2005
- K.H. Spencer Pickett
- Wiley
Guide to auditing the risk management process, including developments in risk management which are relevant to auditors.
Balanced scorecard diagnostics: maintaining maximum performance
- 2005
- Paul R. Niven
- Wiley
A step-by-step guide to analysing the effectiveness of an organisation's balanced scorecard and ensuring it is operating at maximum performance.
Boardroom disputes
- 2013
- Rowena Herdman-Smith, Kevin McCarthy, Saul Sender
- ICSA Publishing
Designed to assist company boards with the issues and legal considerations involved in boardroom disputes.
The board structure and its committees
- 2017
- ICSA Publishing
- ICSA Publishing
Chapter 3 deals with the structure of the board, its governance role and responsibilities. It also gives brief overviews of the different types of board committees, including: audit; nomination; remuneration; and risk committees. These are dealt with in more detail in later chapters.
Business accounting: volume 1 (13th edition)
- 2015
- Frank Wood, Alan Sangster
- FT Prentice Hall
A textbook for students on bookkeeping and accounting. The text is fully compliant with International GAAP. Part 1 of a 2 part set.
Business accounting: volume 2 (13th edition)
- 2016
- Frank Wood, Alan Sangster
- FT Prentice Hall
A textbook for students on bookkeeping and accounting. The text is fully compliant with International GAAP. Part 2 of a 2 part set.
Business continuity strategies
- 2006
- Kenneth N. Myers
- Wiley
A practical guide to protecting against unplanned disasters.
Business ethics and values
- 2006
- Alan Lovell, Colin Fisher
- Pearson Education
Introduces students to the complexities and principles of ethical issues.
Displaying 1-10 of 53 results
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