Displaying 1-10 of 11 results
Accountants' negligence and liability
- eBook
- 2021
- Simon Salzedo, Tony Singla
- Bloomsbury Publishing
An in-depth practical work covering all the main areas of accountants' legal liabilities in negligence claims, including audit liabilities to clients and others, tax and insolvency work and conflicts of interest. It covers accountants' negligence in relation to claims against accountants acting for corporations as well as accountants acting for individuals.This edition focuses on the difficult legal issues surrounding the liability of accountants in negligence claims. It covers statutory and non-statutory audits, tax advice, specified procedures reporting, due diligence reports and corporate f...
Business ethics and values
- eBook
- 2006
- Alan Lovell, Colin Fisher
- Pearson Education
Introduces students to the complexities and principles of ethical issues by focusing on developing ethical awareness and the ability to argue business ethics matters. It blends business issues and academic theory, and is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students with or without practical experience of the world of business.
Business ethics: a case study approach
- eBook
- 2009
- Stephen K. Henn
- Wiley
Explores issues relating to ethics and ethical behavior in organisations using insightful case studies that look at every angle of ethical lapses.
Business ethics: the ethical revolution of minority shareholders
- eBook
- 2005
- Jacques Cory
- Springer
Book based on qualitative and inductive research which looks at why and how companies do not act ethically towards their minority shareholders. The cases presented are based on current events and try to find the common aspects and basic rules that govern wrongdoing to minority shareholders.
Creating and implementing an ethics policy
- eBook
- 2014
- Mark Wearden
- ICSA Publishing
When creating and implementing a corporate ethics policy, it is important to spend quality time thinking about ethics and considering the issues from a number of different perspectives. This eBook provides a framework and guides readers through the process of formulating, writing and implementing the optimal ethics policy for their organisation.
Enron and world finance: a case study in ethics
- eBook
- 2006
- Paul H. Dembinski, Carole Lager, Andrew Cornford, Jean-Michel Bonvin
- Palgrave Macmillan
The book takes an in-depth look at the issues of corporate governance, law and ethics involved in the Enron case, and of the policy responses to the recent corporate scandals in the USA and internationally. It contains chapters on international norms in business ethics, corporate governance failure, audit and assurance ethics, and corporate culture.
Holding accountants accountable: how professional standards can lead to personal liability
- eBook
- 2019
- Jeffrey G. Matthews
- Wiley
An essential guide for practitioners on avoiding unethical situations in a fraud investigation--provides tips, techniques, and real-life examples accountants, auditors, and fraud examiners who fail to identify fraud and misconduct may be in violation of their professional standards. Among these standards are requirements to exercise professional and moral judgment, act in the best interest of the public, maintain integrity, objectivity, and independence, render opinions based on evidence and documentation, and exercise due care in planning and discharging professional activities. Failing to a...
ICCA handbook of corporate social responsibility, The
- eBook
- 2006
- Judith Hennigfeld, Manfred Pohl, Nick Tolhurst
- John Wiley and Sons
Introduction to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its rationale. Includes detailed sections on incorporating good business ethics into a company's values, with real life case studies of CSR implementation.
Managing international business in relation-based versus rule-based countries
- eBook
- 2009
- Shaomin Li
- Business Expert Press
Explores the way business is done in relation-based cultures, arguing that such cultures are linked to economic development rather than tradition. The book makes the case that relation-based cultures can be more effective than rule-based ones where a market is smaller in scale. It includes practical advice for navigating the cultural issues involved in working within these countries.
Responsible leadership
- eBook
- 2005
- Nicola Pless, Thomas Maak
- Routledge
Provides a theoretical background to ethical behaviour in leadership and practical tips for incorporating business ethics into a larger strategy.
Displaying 1-10 of 11 results
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