Displaying 1-30 of 47 results
Anyone can do it: building Coffee Republic from our kitchen table
- eBook
- 2004
- Sahar Hashemi, Bobby Hashemi
- Capstone
Follows the progress of Coffee Republic from business plan to the present day. Takes the reader step by step through every aspect of starting and growing a business as an entrepreneur, from asking 'why?' and writing the plan to hiring staff and letting go.
Building a resilient organisation
- eBook
- 2014
- James Crask, Charley Newnham, Jack Armstrong, Paul Robertson
- ICSA Publishing
How to design your business strategy to build a prosperous and sustainable business. The book helps readers to understand resilience within organisations and how it can be measured, assessed and enhanced.
Business continuity strategies
- eBook
- 2006
- Kenneth N. Myers
- Wiley
A practical guide to protecting against unplanned disasters. Contains strategies for implementing a realistic and cost-efficient business contingency plan to
help organisations survive disasters such as natural catastrophe, workplace violence or a terrorist attack.
Business insights China: practical advice on operational strategy and risk management (2nd edition)
- eBook
- 2011
- Jonathan Reuvid
- Kogan Page
Provides practical advice on setting up and managing business in China as well as pointers to support organisations that can help. Fresh insight is offered into the economic and business climate and China's role in the world economy. The book also includes case studies from companies and individuals that highlight the benefits and the potential pitfalls through their experiences of setting up and running business in China. Includes sections on China's macro-risk environment, the regulatory and legal framework, inward investment considerations, key sectors of Chinese business growth and areas o...
Business plans that work
- eBook
- 2004
- Jeffry Timmons, Andrew Zacharakis, Stephen Spinelli
- McGraw-Hill
Provides practical guidance and insights for entrepreneurs or small business owners on writing a successful business plan. Each chapter introduces different components of the planning process. Also includes a model to analyse potential business opportunities.
Competing in tough times: business lessons from L.L.Bean, Trader Joe's, Costco, and other world-class retailers
- eBook
- 2010
- Barry Berman
- Pearson
The book contains chapters on the future of global retail, low-cost business strategies for retail, product and service differentiation, human resources strategies, and enhancing the service experience. The book includes illustrative case studies of real life retailers.
Consultant's quick start guide: an action plan for your first year in business, The
- eBook
- 2009
- Elaine Blech
- Pfeiffer
The book offers practical guidance for entrepreneurs who are considering starting a consultancy business. It helps to assess whether you have the required skills to be a successful consultant, and how to rate yourself against other entrepreneurs. It also looks at the personal, professional and financial considerations relevant to starting a small business. The book provides tips for creating business plans, finding clients, marketing and public relations.
Corporate governance: a practical guide for accountants
- eBook
- 2009
- Catherine Turner
- Elsevier
The book's chapters cover the concept of corporate governance, codes and rules pertaining to corporate governance, shareholders and the Companies Act 2006, internal controls and risk management, disclosure and reporting responsibilities, and directors' remuneration.
Corporate strategy
- eBook
- 2006
- Richard Lynch
- Financial Times Prentice Hall
The book shows how to create business strategies based on the nature and needs of an organisation. It aims to be a comprehensive guide to strategic management theories for students and business leaders.
Developing new products and services: learning, differentiation, and innovation
- eBook
- 2012
- G. Lawrence Sanders
- Business Expert Press
The book focuses on the activities required for product and service differentiation, the learning methodologies that contribute to arriving at that differentiation, and the role that technology plays in implementing the process. It contains chapters on entrepreneurship, research and development, fundamental concepts of product and price differentiation, talent management, business strategies for differentiation, business plans, and project management.
Discount business strategy: how the new market leaders are redefining business strategy
- eBook
- 2006
- Michael Moesgaard Andersen, Flemming Poulfelt
- John Wiley and Sons
The book explores why some companies are more successful than others, and contrasts their business strategies with regard to pricing and sales. It includes chapters on discount-based business strategy, the attractiveness of a core product, the value of good brand management and social capital. It features three case studies to illustrate successful corporate strategy.
Essential reads on family offices
- eBook
- 2023
- Globe Law and Business Ltd.
- Globe Law and Business Ltd.
Contains articles from 'The International Family Offices Journal' focusing on three key themes: family office profiles (learn about unique structure, outlooks and best practices); family governance (understand principles and practices of family governance which is critical for preserving family harmony and ensuring the long term success of the family office); and NextGen and succession (exploring how to successfully transition family wealth and leadership to the next generation).
Executive's guide to COSO internal controls: understanding and implementing the new framework
- eBook
- 2013
- Robert R. Moeller
- John Wiley
Provides a step-by-step plan for installing and implementing effective internal controls with an emphasis on building improved IT as well as other internal controls and integrating better risk management processes.
Exploring strategy
- eBook
- 2017
- Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington, Patrick Regnér, Kevan Scholes, and Duncan Angwin
- Pearson Education Limited
This book has long been the essential strategy text for managers of today and tomorrow. From entrepreneurial start-ups to multinationals, charities to government agencies, this book raises the big questions about organisations- how they grow, how they innovate and how they change.
Financial metaverse: tokens, derivatives and other synthetic assets, The
- eBook
- 2024
- Albin Spinner
- Palgrave Macmillan
Explains how financial derivatives really work and details the emerging digital innovations in this area.
Financial planning using Excel: forecasting, planning and budgeting techniques
- eBook
- 2009
- Sue Nugus
- Elsevier
Aimed at people who already have some knowledge of Microsoft Excel. It looks at spreadsheet skills for different types of planning, and contains detailed sections on business planning, forecasting and managing budgets with business software.
Financial risk manager handbook
- eBook
- 2009
- Philip Jorion
- John Wiley and Sons
Contains sections on quantitative analysis, financial markets and financial products, and the various kinds of risk management. It includes chapters on the financial modelling of risk, credit risk, and market risk. Each chapter contains examples and exercises for students.
Financial Times guide to strategy: how to create and deliver a winning strategy
- eBook
- 2006
- Richard Koch
- Pearson
Includes sections on business unit strategy, corporate strategy, key strategic thinkers, concepts and tools, and the evolution of business strategy over the course of the twentieth strategy.
Foreign exchange: a practical guide to the FX markets
- eBook
- 2006
- Tim Weithers
- John Wiley and Sons
Primer on foreign exchange. It includes chapters on money markets, interest rates, a brief history of foreign exchange, foreign exchange swaps, exotic options and structured products, the economics of exchange rates and international trade, and currency crises.
Fundamentals of global strategy: a business model approach
- eBook
- 2010
- Cornelis A. De Kluyver
- Business Expert Press
Looks at the opportunities and risks associated with staking out a global competitive presence and introduces the fundamentals of global strategic thinking. It includes chapters on target markets and modes of entry, globalising the value proposition, global branding, globalising the value chain infrastructure, supply chain management, and globalising the management model.
Grow by focusing on what matters: competitive strategy in 3 circles
- eBook
- 2011
- James H. Davis, Joel E. Urbany
- Business Expert Press
Growing a business, the '3-circle' method of businesses analysis, designing and implementing a growth strategy, customer value and competitive advantage, and practical tips for business growth.
Growing business handbook: inspiration and advice from successful entrepreneurs and fast growing UK companies, The
- eBook
- 2009
- Adam Jolly
- Kogan Page
The book contains chapters on business planning for growth, gaining market share, people management, cash management, information technology for businesses, SMEs, operations management, international expanision, mergers and acquisitions, and obtaining growth capital.
How to build a successful consulting practice
- eBook
- 2006
- Jack Phillips
- McGraw-Hill
Written mainly for those considering moving into consulting. Includes checklists, examples of financial records, and self-assessment questions for prospective consultants. It contains sections on developing a business plan, launching your business, writing proposals, and performance measurement and delivery.
How to prepare a business plan
- eBook
- 2008
- Edward Blackwell
- Kogan Page
The book includes sections on writing a business plan, cash flow forecasts, considerations for SMEs, business plans for specific industries, borrowing, and monitoring progress. It features illustrative case studies and practical tips.
How to prepare business cases: an essential guide for accountants
- eBook
- 2009
- Dan Remenyi, Brendan Remenyi
- Elsevier
Designed to help accountants understand all aspects of a business case so that they can prepare and present it with confidence. It contains chapters on investment decisions, preparing a business case, evaluating risk, stakeholders, business case accounting, and using the business case as a project management tool.
How to write a business plan: creating success
- eBook
- 2013
- Brian Finch
- Kogan Page
A guide to writing business plans for non-specialists. Contains sections on the structuring a business plan, researching the market, forecasting, risk measurement, legal issues and confidentiality, selling a business, and using a business plan to improve performance.
How to write reports and proposals
- eBook
- 2013
- Patrick Forsyth
- Kogan Page
The pitfalls of writing business plans, the business communication skills, making numbers clear, making proposals persuasive, and the communicating and presenting an idea for maximum effect.
Information security risk management for ISO 27001/ISO 27002 (3rd edition)
- eBook
- 2019
- Alan Calder, Steve Watkins
- IT Governance Publishing
This book draws on emerging national and international best practice around risk management and has been written to provide detailed and practical guidance to information security and risk management teams on how to develop and implement a risk assessment and risk management process that will be in line with the requirements of ISO 27001.
Internal control policies and procedures
- eBook
- 2009
- Rose Hightower
- Wiley
A how-to manual to quickly and effectively put a successful program of internal controls in place. Complete with flowcharts and checklists, this essential desktop reference is a best practices model for establishing and enhancing your organization's control framework.
Divided into three main sections: Governance journey; Internal control program: Control activity program testing guides. the appendix contains an internal control planning, testing and remediation worksheet.
Internal controls toolkit
- eBook
- 2019
- Christine H. Doxey
- Wiley
This toolkit provides a series of standards of internal control and the risks they mitigate for all enterprise-wide operations.
Displaying 1-30 of 47 results
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