Displaying 1-50 of 68 results
M&A failure trap: why most mergers and acquisitions fail and how the few succees, The
- eBook
- 2024
- Baruch Lev, Feng Gu
- John Wiley & Sons
Covers mergers and acquisitions for executives and investors.
Unwritten rules of M&A: mergers and acquisitions that deliver growth- learning from private equity
- eBook
- 2024
- John Colley
- Palgrave Macmillan
This book helps to navigate the difficult terrain faced by boards wishing to grow through acquisition. It identifies which strategies are more likely to be effective and how the chosen strategy largely determines the form of integration.
Chief financial officer and corporate performance: finance, governance and risk
- eBook
- 2024
- Elżbieta Bukalska, Anna Wawryszuk-Misztal, Tomasz Sosnowski
- Routledge
This book firstly provides theoretical issues on financial management and the results of previous research, while the second part is empirical, showing the methodology and results of the authors' research. The book also examines CFO power. It highlights the importance of the position of financial managers in companies.
Acquisitions 2024
- eBook
- 2024
- University of Law
- College of Law Publishing
Provides an introduction to the legal and taxation implications of buying and selling a business enterprise.
Private equity and venture capital
- eBook
- 2022
- Serena Gallo, Vincenzo Verdoliva
- Springer
This book summarises the theoretical background of private equity and venture capital industry; provides and updated overview in terms of volume and trends of private equity and venture capital; and includes practical examples of valuation in the private equity and venture capital industry.
Accountants' negligence and liability
- eBook
- 2021
- Simon Salzedo, Tony Singla
- Bloomsbury Publishing
An in-depth practical work covering all the main areas of accountants' legal liabilities in negligence claims, including audit liabilities to clients and others, tax and insolvency work and conflicts of interest. It covers accountants' negligence in relation to claims against accountants acting for corporations as well as accountants acting for individuals.This edition focuses on the difficult legal issues surrounding the liability of accountants in negligence claims. It covers statutory and non-statutory audits, tax advice, specified procedures reporting, due diligence reports and corporate f...
Asset allocation and private markets: a guide to investing with private equity, private debt, and private real assets
- eBook
- 2021
- Cyril Demaria, Maurice Pedergana, Remy He, Roger Rissi, Sarah Debrand
- Wiley and Sons
When people talked about “investments,” they basically meant publicly traded stocks and bonds. While there’s no standard definition of alternative investments, they can be understood as “alternatives to stocks and bonds” or simply “everything else,” and decades ago they were largely unknown.
Acquisitions 2021
- eBook
- 2021
- University of Law
- College of Law Publishing
Provides a clear and practical examination of all the key stages involved in the acquisition process, from investigating the target and drafting the sale and purchase agreement to completion of the acquisition. The guide also covers some of the particular factors to be considered in the context of asset acquisitions, share acquisitions and transactions funded by private equity, as well as dealing with aspects of pre- and post-sale intra-group transfers.
Valuation: measuring and managing the value of companies
- eBook
- 2020
- McKinsey & Company Inc, Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart, David Wessels
- Wiley
Now in its seventh edition, this volume continues to help financial professionals around the world gain a deep understanding of valuation and help their companies create, manage, and maximize economic value for their shareholders. This latest edition has been revised and updated throughout, and includes new insights on topics such as digital, ESG (environmental, social and governance), and long-term investing, as well as fresh case studies. Clear, accessible chapters cover the fundamental principles of value creation, analyzing and forecasting performance, capital structure and dividends, valu...
Early stage valuation: a fair value perspective
- eBook
- 2020
- Antonella Puca
- Wiley
Addresses significant developments in the valuation of early stage enterprises at fair value with emphasis on practical applications--features a broad selection of case studies of early stage valuation. The book provides a comprehensive review of the current methodologies used to value Early Stage Enterprises (ESEs) at fair value for financial reporting, investment, and mergers and acquisitions. This authoritative guide examines how to apply market analysis, discounted cash flows models, statistical techniques such as option pricing models (OPM) and Monte Carlo simulation, the venture capital...
Business start up bundle for dummies
- eBook
- 2020
- Colin Barrow
- John Wiley & Sons
A one stop shop to all your business start-up needs! Covers everything budding entrepreneurs need to know to get their business up and running. Whether readers are just starting out, planning a new venture, setting up at home or extending a current business online, this book is all they need to succeed.
Financial Times guide to investing: the definitive companion to investment and the financial markets
- eBook
- 2020
- Glen Arnold
- Pearson Education Limited
The book is the definitive introduction to the art of successful stock market investing by debunking the myth that investing is only for the wealthy.
Digital finance: big data, start-ups, and the future of financial services
- eBook
- 2019
- Perry H. Beaumont
- Routledge
This book takes a thoughtful look at how the industry is evolving, and it explains how to integrate concepts of digital finance into existing traditional finance platforms. It explores what successful companies are doing to maximize their opportunities in this context and offers suggestions on how to introduce digital finance into a firm's structure. Specific strategies for a digital future are presented, alongside numerous case studies that explore key attributes of success.
Corporate finance: principles and practice
- eBook
- 2019
- Denzil Watson, Antony Head
- Pearson Education
Corporate finance is concerned with the financing and investment decisions made by the management of companies in pursuit of corporate goals. As a subject, corporate finance has a theoretical base which has evolved over many years and which continues to evolve as we write. It has a practical side too, concerned with the study of how companies actually make financing and investment decisions, and theory and practice can sometimes appear to be at odds with each other... The aim of this book is to provide an introduction to the core concepts and key topic areas of corporate finance in an approach...
Wealth creation in the world's largest mergers and acquisitions: integrated case studies
- eBook
- 2018
- B. Rajesh Kumar
- Springer
This book highlights research-based case studies in order to analyze the wealth created in the world's largest mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Each chapter covers a specific case and offers a focused clinical examination of the entire lifecycle of M&A for each mega deal, exploring all aspects of the process.
Dictionary of finance and banking
- eBook
- 2018
- Jonathan Law
- Oxford University Press
This sixth edition of the bestselling Dictionary of Finance and Banking has been fully revised and updated to take into account the ever-developing financial landscape of the last five years. This comprehensive A-Z defines terms from all aspects of personal and international finance, including money markets, private investments and borrowing, central banking, foreign exchanges, monetary policy, and public and government finance.
Building financial models: the complete guide to designing, building, and applying projection models
- eBook
- 2018
- John S. Tjia
- McGraw Hill Education
Teaches how to build financial models using spreadsheets. You will be led through the steps of building an integrated financial statement model that can serve as the core for transactions or analysis in the LBO, M&A, business valuation model or credit underwriting space. This third edition includes additional materials on valuation analysis and sections on scenarios and sensitivity analysis through the use of Data Tables.
Intellectual property, finance and corporate governance
- eBook
- 2018
- Janice Denoncourt
- Routledge
This book advances Intellectual Property reporting in alignment with the key corporate governance principles of transparency and disclosure. It analyses the juncture between the IP ecosystem; corporate finance and accounting for intangibles; and corporate governance. Patents, mini-case studies and an original business triage style model for assessing IP disclosures are used to illustrate the gaps corporate governance theory needs to address. Focussing on the common law tradition of corporate governance in England and Wales, intangibles and IP reporting developments in other jurisdictions are ...
Valuation for M&A
- eBook
- 2018
- Chris M Mellen, Frank C Evans
- Wiley
This title aims to help determine a company's value, what drives it, and how to enhance value during a merger or acquisition. This edition includes new chapters on fairness opinions and professional services firms.
Essentials of M&A: due diligence
- eBook
- 2017
- Peter Howson
- Routledge
This book is a must for anyone who needs to master the essentials of due diligence with the minimum effort and in the minimum amount of time. Straightforward and unbiased, it sets out the fundamentals of pre-acquisition investigations, showing which are appropriate and why.
Mergers and acquisitions basics: the key steps of acquisitions, divestitures, and investments
- eBook
- 2017
- Michael E. S. Frankel, Larry H. Forman
- John Wiley & Sons
Provides complete guidance on the mergers and acquisitions process, with in-depth analysis, expert insight, and practical tools for success. Equity investments, valuation, negotiation, integration, legal aspects, and more are explained in detail to provide a foundational primer for anyone seeking to clarify their role in the process. This book balances depth and breadth to provide a one-stop guide to maximizing the financial and operational value of the deal.
Inside company valuation
- eBook
- 2017
- Angelo Corelli
- Springer
This book presents an in-depth overview of the most popular approaches to corporate valuation, with useful insights about innovations and possible improvements in that field. The book will help to understand the principles and methods of company valuation and acquire the knowledge required to perform valuations of corporate equity. The author concludes his analysis with a real case studies based on the experience of one of the most popular Initial Public Offerings that took place in the last years: Facebook.
Exploring strategy
- eBook
- 2017
- Gerry Johnson, Richard Whittington, Patrick Regnér, Kevan Scholes, and Duncan Angwin
- Pearson Education Limited
This book has long been the essential strategy text for managers of today and tomorrow. From entrepreneurial start-ups to multinationals, charities to government agencies, this book raises the big questions about organisations- how they grow, how they innovate and how they change.
How the stock market works: a beginner's guide to investment
- eBook
- 2017
- Michael Becket
- Kogan Page
A guide to how the stock markets work and the effects of the market on savings, investment portfolios and pensions.
How the Stock Market Works tells investors what is being traded and how, who does what with whom, and how to evaluate a particular share or bond in light of rival claims from critics and admirers. From the practical consequences of being a shareholder to a basic coverage of the taxation regime, this book provides information on individual product types as well as the key players in the markets.
International valuation handbook 2016: industry cost of capital
- eBook
- 2017
- Roger J. Grabowski, James P. Harrington, Carla Nunes
- Wiley
This international handbook provides industry-level cost of capital estimates and other detailed statistics, including data on sales, market capitalization, capital structure, beta values and valuation multiples.
Corporate finance: the core (global edition)
- eBook
- 2017
- Jonathan B. Berk, Peter M. DeMarzo
- Pearson
A text book designed for MBA/graduate students taking a course in corporate finance.
Split into 6 parts : Introduction; Time, money and interests rates; Valuing projects and firms; Risk and return; Capital structure; Advanced valuation
Count down: the past present and uncertain future of the big four accounting firms (2nd edition)
- eBook
- 2017
- Jim Peterson
- Emerald Publishing
The second edition of “Count Down” is revised to include and discuss developments affecting the Big Four and their business model since the December 2015 release of the first edition. Brought into this updated narrative, for example, are: The Big Four's growth to collective global 2016 revenue of $ 128 billion, and the continued disparities in growth between their Audit and Advisory practices. The imposition of mandatory auditor rotation by legislation and regulation in the European Union, and in the US, the PCAOB's requirement to name lead partners on public company audits. New examples of co...
Company secretary's handbook (11th edition)
- eBook
- 2016
- Douglas Armour
- ICSA Publishing
An authoritative guide to company secretarial practice. Coverage is comprehensive, from incorporation to winding up, detailing the procedures associated with boards of directors, company meetings, reporting, shares, and share registration. The Handbook also contains chapters on listed company compliance, corporate governance, company investigations, takeovers and mergers, and insolvency.
Detailed commentary is accompanied by over 80 precedents, appendices, a glossary of key terms, and a directory of key company secretarial resources.
The 5th edition of this title is available through our Ebo...
International valuation handbook 2016: guide to cost of capital
- eBook
- 2016
- Roger J. Grabowski, James P. Harrington, Carla Nunes
- Wiley
The handbook provides data and guidance that will enable you to assess risk and to develop cost of capital estimates on a global scale. It includes data for country-level country risk premia (CRPs), Relative Volatility (RV) factors, and equity risk premia (ERPs) which can be used to estimate country-level cost of equity capital globally, for up to 188 countries, from the perspective of investors based in up to 56 different countries.
End of accounting and the path forward for investors and managers, The
- eBook
- 2016
- Barcuch Lev, Feng Gu
- John Wiley & Sons
This title shows how the ubiquitous financial reports have become useless in capital market decisions and lays out an actionable alternative. New indicators focus on strategy and execution to identify and evaluate a company's true value, creating resources for a more up-to-date approach to critical investment decision-making.
Financial Times guide to business start up 2017/18
- eBook
- 2016
- Sara Williams
- FT Publishing International
Aims to be a comprehensive guide to starting a small business. It includes practical guidance for entrepreneurs on developing business ideas, business operations, employer obligations, taxes, and the role of information technology in marketing and PR.
Valuation handbook 2016: guide to cost of capital
- eBook
- 2016
- Duff & Phelps Corp.
- Wiley
The handbook is designed to aid finance professionals in estimating the cost of equity capital and establishing hurdle rates for investment projects. It covers company valuation approaches and concepts, as well as providing data for country-level country risk premia (CRPs), relative volatility (RV) factors, and equity risk premia (ERPs). The handbook includes data through December 31, 2015, and is intended to be used for 2016 valuation dates.
International valuation handbook 2015: guide to cost of capital
- eBook
- 2015
- Roger J. Grabowski | James P. Harrington | Carla Nunes
- Wiley
The handbook provides data and guidance that will enable you to assess risk and to develop cost of capital estimates on a global scale. It includes data for country-level country risk premia (CRPs), Relative Volatility (RV) factors, and equity risk premia (ERPs) which can be used to estimate country-level cost of equity capital globally, for up to 188 countries, from the perspective of investors based in up to 56 different countries.
Hot topics in financial and legal matters for general practice
- eBook
- 2015
- Mike Gilbert, Oliver Pool, Ben Willis
- Royal College of General Practitioners
A compendium of topics on accounting, banking and legal issues for medical practice managers and GPs. The topics include: changes to the GP contract and their financial impact, tax returns, partnership roles, disputes and changes, incorporation, practice mergers and federations, GP property ownership, loans, security and overdrafts, recruitment of partners, salaried GPs and locums, retirement and pensions, and the types of private work available.
Changing your group structures
- eBook
- 2014
- Gareth Miles | Paul Mudie | Nilufer von Bismarck
- ICSA Publishing
Reorganisations are frequently undertaken by corporate groups in the United Kingdom. They can range from simple asset transfers to fundamental alterations of a group's capital, tax and business structures and so their scope and complexity varies. This eBook looks at the decision to reorganise and the challenges and issues it presents.
Accounting for non-accountants (10th edition)
- eBook
- 2014
- David Horner
- Kogan Page
An introduction to the basics of accounting and business finance, designed for non-specialists with little or no background in accounting. Covers accounting and financial techniques in an easy-to-follow and approachable style. Contains sections accounting concepts, income statements, the balance sheet, accounting standards etc.
Cost of capital: applications and examples
- eBook
- 2014
- Shannon P. Pratt, Roger J. Grabowski
- John Wiley & Sons
This title gives background and current thinking on the development and uses of rates of return on capital. This edition gives an emphasis to practical application and case studies. Chapters include: Cost of capital basics; Estimating the cost of equity capital; Estimating the overall cost of capital; Corporate Finance Officers - using cost of capital data; Case studies; Advice to practitioners.
Acquisitions and disposals by listed companies
- eBook
- 2013
- Will Pearce | Dan Hirschovits | Nick Gilling
- ICSA Publishing
Companies listing on a stock exchange are subject to a number of continuing obligations. One area where such obligations apply are significant corporate transactions such as acquisitions, disposals and reverse takeovers. This publication summarises the main legal and regulatory issues a listed company needs to consider when contemplating a significant corporate transaction, whether its shares are traded on AIM or it has a premium or standard listing on the Official List.
Marketing manifesto, The
- eBook
- 2013
- David J. Hood
- Kogan Page
Tips for successful marketing and brand management. Chapters deal with preparing marketing plans and compaigns, mergers and acquisitions, and marketing leadership.
Directors' disclosures
- eBook
- 2013
- Carol Shutkever, Sarah Hawes
- ICSA Publishing
This guide provides an overview of disclosure requirements for the directors of a UK-incorporated company. It gives a summary of the relevant law and regulation affecting directors duties for listed companies (both Main Market and AIM), but is also of relevance for UK private companies.
Acquisitions and disposals by listed companies
- eBook
- 2013
- Will Pearce, Dan Hirschovits, Nick Gilling
- ICSA Publishing
Companies listing on a stock exchange are subject to a number of continuing obligations. One area where such obligations apply are significant corporate transactions such as acquisitions, disposals and reverse takeovers. This publication summarises the main legal and regulatory issues a listed company needs to consider when contemplating a significant corporate transaction, whether its shares are traded on AIM or it has a premium or standard listing on the Official List.
Mastering financial modelling in Microsoft Excel: a practitioner's guide to applied corporate finance (3rd edition)
- eBook
- 2013
- Alastair L Day
- Pearson Education
Comprehensive tools and methods to help you build, develop and apply financial models using Microsoft Excel, enabling you to get better, more accurate results, faster. The new edition of this bestselling title begins by explaining basic modelling techniques before moving through to more complex models. The book is divided into two parts: the first part outlines model designs and gives templates, key features and techniques. The second part of the book shows how to build corporate financial models in Excel. This new edition includes a reworking of the book in Excel 2010 (but with older material...
Ultimate accountants' reference: including GAAP, IRS and SEC regulations, leases, and more, The
- eBook
- 2010
- Jim Barrett
- John Wiley and Sons
General reference work on accounting from an American perspective. Includes sections on the role and nature of accounting, international financial reporting standards and regulations (including GAAP), the Securities and Exchange Commission, and general financial management. Also features chapters on related topics such as mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcy, and taxation.
Cost of capital
- eBook
- 2010
- Eva R Porras
- Palgrave Macmillan
This title covers the relationship between risk, return and the cost of capital is contextualized by relating it to the needs of investors and borrowers, the historical evidence, and theories of choice and behavior. The text spans financial theory, its empirical tests and applications to real-world financial problems while keeping an entertaining easy-to-read style. Chapters include: A general introduction to risk, capital and the cost of capital; The components of the cost of capital and alternative models; Problems in using the models; Caveats; Country risk; The Optimal capital structure.
Mergers and acquisitions: turmoil in top management teams
- eBook
- 2009
- Jeffrey Krug
- Business Expert Press
Provides executives with an in-depth look at the consequences of M&As for acquired top management teams. Examines M&As as corporate growth strategy as well as executive turnover post-merger and its effect on company performance. Considers why mergers succeed and fail and why top executives stay on or leave in the aftermath.
Due diligence: an M&A value creation approach
- eBook
- 2009
- William J. Gole, Paul J. Hilger
- John Wiley and Sons
The book offers practical guidance on the mergers and acquisitions process, covering strategic planning, candidate pursuit, target evaluation, contract negotiation, through post-acquisition integration. It contains chapters on growth strategy, preparing for due diligence, conducting the due diligence review, and risk management.
Essential business finance: a complete guide to starting, expanding and selling your business
- eBook
- 2009
- Paul Barrow
- Kogan Page
The book offers practical financial advice for entrepreneurs and small business owners. It includes chapters on raising start-up finance, arranging growth finance (both equity and debt), raising money through public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, and selling a business.
Growing business handbook: inspiration and advice from successful entrepreneurs and fast growing UK companies, The
- eBook
- 2009
- Adam Jolly
- Kogan Page
The book contains chapters on business planning for growth, gaining market share, people management, cash management, information technology for businesses, SMEs, operations management, international expanision, mergers and acquisitions, and obtaining growth capital.
Corporate divestitures: a mergers and acquisitions best practices guide
- eBook
- 2008
- William J. Gole, Paul J. Hilger
- John Wiley and Sons
The book covers all major aspects of the divestiture process and includes chapters on strategic assessment, divestiture planning, preparing for the transaction, disentanglement, managing the selling process, structuring the transaction, and closing.
How the stock market really works: the guerrilla investor's secret handbook
- eBook
- 2008
- Leo Gough
- Prentice Hall
The book contains chapters on shares and bonds, assessing companies, investment theories and strategies, foreign exchange, financial derivatives, fraud, overseas investment, retirement planning, and UK taxation.
Displaying 1-50 of 68 results
See the A–Z of eBooks for a complete list of titles available across all subjects.