Displaying 1-20 of 26 results
Accounting disrupted
- 2021
- Al Bhimani
- John Wiley & Sons
This book delivers a powerful analysis of the new technological forces buffeting the accounting profession and identifies key pathways to responding to the challenges. [It] shows readers how established business fundamentals are being eclipsed and that accounting has not been spared. You'll learn: how the new realities of digitalization, including big data and AI, are affecting audit work and financial management practices; how learning fast about and from more diverse data sources is essential to the new accounting environment; why accounting information must start to speak to what will take ...
Analysis of financial data
- 2006
- Gary Koop
- Wiley
Covers the basic methods and techniques of financial data analysis. Includes many of the major tools used by the financial economist, for example correlation, regression, time series analysis and methods for analyzing financial volatility. There is extensive use of real data examples. The book is aimed largely at undergraduates, for who it can serve either as a stand-alone course in applied data analysis or as an accessible alternative to standard statistical or econometric textbooks.
Analytics and big data for accountants
- 2020
- Jim Lindell
- Wiley
This book will help accountants and financial managers better understand big data and analytics, including its history and current trends. It dives into the platforms and operating tools that will help you measure program impacts and ROI, visualize data and business processes, and uncover the relationship between key performance indicators (KPIs).
Audit analytics: data science for the accounting profession
- 2020
- J. Christopher Westland
- Springer
This book hopes to provide the reader with an inventory of basic algorithms which can be easily expanded and customized to fit an auditor's specific challenges. Accessible and comprehensive tools for these additional approaches are covered in this book, as are research approaches to take advantage of the additional explanatory power that these approaches offer to auditing. Coverage of software, methodologies, and fit statistics provide a concise reference for the conduct of audits, helping assure that audit opinions and decisions are defensible, fair, and accurate.
Automate the boring stuff with Python: practical programming for total beginners.
- 2015
- A. Sweigart
- No Starch Press
If you've ever spent hours renaming files or updating hundreds of spreadsheet cells, you know how tedious tasks like these can be. But what if you could have your computer do them for you? In [this book], you'll learn how to use Python to write programs that do in minutes what would take you hours to do by hand [with] no prior programming experience required. Once you've mastered the basics of programming, you'll create Python programs that effortlessly perform useful and impressive feats of automation. The first part of this book covers basic Python programming concepts, and the second part ...
Big data in practice: how 45 successful companies used big data analytics to deliver extraordinary results
- 2016
- Bernard Marr
- Wiley
Big data is on the tip of everyone's tongue. Everyone understands its power and importance, but many fail to grasp the actionable steps and resources required to utilise it effectively. This book fills the knowledge gap by showing how major companies are using big data every day, from an up-close, on-the-ground perspective.
Data cleaning: a practical perspective
- 2013
- Venkatesh Ganti, Anish Das Sarma
- Morgan & Claypool
This book discusses the goals of data cleaning, and includes abstracts of common sets of data cleaning tasks. In particular the book focuses on an operator-centric approach for developing a data cleaning platform. The operator-centric approach involves the development of customizable operators that could be used as building blocks for developing common solutions. This is similar to the approach of relational algebra for query processing. The basic set of operators can be put together to build complex queries. Finally, the book discusses the development of custom scripts which leverage the basi...
Data science for business: what you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking
- 2013
- Foster Provost, Tom Fawcett
- O'Reilly Media
This guide introduces the fundamental principles of data science and walks through the "data-analytic thinking" necessary for extracting useful knowledge and business value from data. By learning data science principles, the reader will understand the many data mining techniques in use today. More importantly, these principles underpin the processes and strategies necessary to solve business problems through data mining techniques.
Data strategy: how to profit from a world of big data, analytics and the internet of things
- 2017
- Bernard Marr
- Kogan Page
A must-have guide to creating a robust data strategy. Explaining how to identify your strategic data needs, what methods to use to collect the data and, most importantly, how to translate your data into organizational insights for improved decisions and performance, this is essential reading for anyone aiming to leverage the value of their business data and gain competitive advantage.
Data visualisation with Python: create an impact with meaningful data insights using interactive and engaging visuals
- 2019
- Mario Dobbler, Tim Grossman
- Packt Publishing
Understand, explore, and effectively present data using the powerful data visualization techniques of Python programming.
Data visualization with Excel dashboards and reports
- 2021
- Dick Kusleika
- Wiley
Large corporations like IBM and Oracle are using Excel dashboards and reports as a Business Intelligence tool, and many other smaller businesses are looking to these tools in order to cut costs for budgetary reasons. An effective analyst not only has to have the technical skills to use Excel in a productive manner but must be able to synthesize data into a story, and then present that story in the most impactful way. Microsoft shows its recognition of this with Excel. In Excel, there is a major focus on business intelligence and visualization. Data Visualization with Excel Dashboards and Repor...
Digital finance: big data, start-ups, and the future of financial services
- 2019
- Perry H. Beaumont
- Routledge
This book takes a thoughtful look at how the industry is evolving, and it explains how to integrate concepts of digital finance into existing traditional finance platforms. It explores what successful companies are doing to maximize their opportunities in this context and offers suggestions on how to introduce digital finance into a firm's structure. Specific strategies for a digital future are presented, alongside numerous case studies that explore key attributes of success.
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A practical guide, The
- 2017
- Paul Voigt, Axel von dem Bussche
- Springer
This handbook offers advice on the practical implementation of GDPR and analyses its impact. The guide examines the scope of GDPR, the organisational and material requirements for data protection, the rights of data subjects, the role of the Supervisory Authorities, enforcement and fines under the GDPR, and differences between EU jurisdictions.
Excel dashboards and reports for dummies
- 2014
- Michael Alexander
- John Wiley and Sons
Introduces Excel functionalities for building better financial reporting mechanisms. Includes tips on exploiting Excel for data analysis and visualisation.
Excel data analysis for dummies
- 2022
- Paul McFedries
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
For those new to data analysis. Takes the reader on a tour of Excel's data analysis tools.
Flaws and fallacies in statistical thinking
- 2004
- Stephen K. Campbell
- Dover Publications
This book deals with erroneous and sometimes deliberately misleading statistical arguments. It deals with fallacious statistical thinking - when faulty conclusions are drawn from data because the purveyors of the information don’t know any better.
Future-proof accounting: data and technology strategies
- 2024
- Mfon Akpan
- Emerald
Provides an understanding of the latest accounting technologies and their practical applications for the accountancy profession, including sections on artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, cloud computing, blockchain, and data visualisation.
Good charts: the HBR guide to making smarter, more persuasive data visualisations
- 2023
- Scott Berinato
- Harvard Business Review Press
A guide to data visualisation and information design for business.
Good charts: the HBR guide to making smarter, more persuasive data visualizations
- 2016
- Scott Berinato
- Harvard Business Review Press
Provides an essential guide to how visualization works. It will help you turn plain, uninspiring charts that merely present information into smart, effective visualizations that powerfully convey ideas.
Guerrilla data analysis using Microsoft Excel: conquering crap data and Excel skirmishes.
- 2022
- Oz du Soleil, Bill Jelen
- Holy Macro! Books
Includes examples and case studies that teach users the tricks for analysing data in Excel.
Displaying 1-20 of 26 results
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