Displaying 1-20 of 21 results
Accounting for value
- eBook
- 2011
- Stephen Penman
- Columbia University Press
Accounting for Value aims to teach investors and analysts how to handle accounting in evaluating equity investments. Its novel approach shows that valuation and accounting are much the same: valuation is actually a matter of accounting for value. Contains the chapters: return to fundamentals (and an accounting for the history of investment ideas); anchoring on fundamentals (and how accounting supplies the anchor); challenging market prices with fundamentals (and deploying accounting for a challenge); accounting for growth from leverage (and protection from paying too much for growth); accounti...
Designing the networked organisation
- eBook
- 2011
- Ken Everett
- Business Expert Press
The book makes the case for networks as the dominant model for business management. It argues that business management works better without conventional hierarchies, and that networked organisations are more resilient, adaptable, and better-suited to the modern global economy. It provides real life examples showing how to build the necessary communities within an organisation and operate with distributed management authority.
Dictionary of finance and banking
- eBook
- 2018
- Jonathan Law
- Oxford University Press
This sixth edition of the bestselling Dictionary of Finance and Banking has been fully revised and updated to take into account the ever-developing financial landscape of the last five years. This comprehensive A-Z defines terms from all aspects of personal and international finance, including money markets, private investments and borrowing, central banking, foreign exchanges, monetary policy, and public and government finance.
Doing business with Estonia
- eBook
- 2003
- Marat Terterov | Jonathan Reuvid
- GMB Publishing
The book contains sections on the economy and business environment of Estonia, the Estonian legal structure and regulatory framework, finance, accountancy and taxation, and key sectors of trade and investment. The appendices include information useful for working abroad, including business risk assessment, useful contacts in Estonia, and contributor contact details.
Doing business with Hungary
- eBook
- 2005
- Jonathan Reuvid
- GMB Publishing
The book contains sections on the economy and business environment of Hungary, the Hungarian legal structure regulatory framework, finance, accountancy and taxation, and key sectors of trade and investment in Hungary.
The appendices include useful information for working abroad, including business risk assessment, useful contacts in Estonia, and contributor contact details.
Doing business with Malta
- eBook
- 2005
- Marat Terterov | Jonathan Reuvid
- GMB Publishing
The book's chapters cover the economy and business environment of Malta, the Maltese legal structure and business regulation, finance, accountancy and taxation, and key sectors of trade and investment in Malta. The appendices have useful information for working abroad, including business risk assessment, useful contacts, and contributor contact details.
Doing business with Poland
- eBook
- 2005
- Marat Terterov | Jonathan Reuvid
- GMB Publishing
The book covers the economy and business environment of Poland, the Polish legal structure and regulatory framework, finance, accountancy and taxation, key sectors of trade and investment, and doing business in the Polish Regions. The appendices have useful information for working abroad, including foreign trade, sources of further business information, and contributors' contact details.
Doing business with Slovakia
- eBook
- 2005
- Jonathan Reuvid
- GMB Publishing
The book covers the economy and business environment of Slovakia, the Slovak legal structure and regulatory framework, finance, accountancy and taxation, and key sectors of trade and investment in Slovakia. The appendices have useful information for working abroad, including general sources of further information, contributor contact details, and a Bank Austria Creditanstalt contact list.
Doing business with the Czech Republic
- eBook
- 2005
- Marat Terterov | Jonathan Reuvid
- GMB Publishing
The book covers the economy and business environment of the Czech Republic, the Czech legal structure and regulatory framework, finance, accountancy and taxation, key sectors of Czech industry and business, and relevant case studies. The appendices contains helpful information in working abroad, including sources of further information, contributor contact details and a Bank Austria Creditanstalt contact list.
Emerging trends, threats and opportunities in international marketing: what executives need to know
- eBook
- 2010
- Michael R. Czinkota, Masaaki Kotabe, Ilkka A. Ronkainen
- Business Expert Press
The book is composed of a series of marketing research articles, loosely grouped under four headings: marketing and PR in an uncertain world, competition from emerging international markets, global sourcing and supply chain, and marketing challenges engendered by current events. This last section covers brand management, trade and terrorism, and marketing in the wake of financial crisis.
Financial regulation in the EU: from resilience to growth
- eBook
- 2017
- Sonia Mckay, Andrea Oates, Glynis Morris
- Palgrave Macmillan
This publication looks to provide a bigger picture view of the impact and future of financial regulation in the EU, exploring the relationship between microeconomic incentives and macroeconomic growth, regulation and financial integration, and the changes required in economic policy to further European integration. Part 2 'Supervision of financial entities' covers subjects such as the supervision of regulatory capture in financial supervision, Markets in financial Instruments Directive (MiFID,MiFID II, MiFIR), EU insurance regulations (including Solvency II), the impact of Basel III on retail...
Financial Times guide to foreign exchange trading
- eBook
- 2015
- Stuart Fieldhouse
- FT Publishing International
An introduction to the foreign exchange marketplace, showing how the markets work, how to trade them successfully and how to mitigate risk.
Foreign exchange: a practical guide to the FX markets
- eBook
- 2006
- Tim Weithers
- John Wiley and Sons
Primer on foreign exchange. It includes chapters on money markets, interest rates, a brief history of foreign exchange, foreign exchange swaps, exotic options and structured products, the economics of exchange rates and international trade, and currency crises.
Grow by focusing on what matters: competitive strategy in 3 circles
- eBook
- 2011
- James H. Davis, Joel E. Urbany
- Business Expert Press
Growing a business, the '3-circle' method of businesses analysis, designing and implementing a growth strategy, customer value and competitive advantage, and practical tips for business growth.
Growing your business: making human resources work for you
- eBook
- 2008
- Robert A. Baron, Scott Shane
- Business Expert Press
Aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It includes chapters on the theory of business growth, human capital management, team building, recruitment and human resources, and talent management.
How the City really works: the definitive guide to money and investing in London's Square Mile
- eBook
- 2008
- Alexander Davidson
- Kogan Page
Describes the key roles and institutions within the City of London, from stockbrokers and foreign exchange dealers to accountants and Lloyd's underwriters, and explains how they relate to each other. Includes sections on investment banking, commercial banking, derivative financial instruments, share trading, insurance and the insurance market. The book also contains new sections on fraud and money laundering, credit derivatives, corporate governance, and the pensions market.
How the stock market really works: the guerrilla investor's secret handbook
- eBook
- 2008
- Leo Gough
- Prentice Hall
The book contains chapters on shares and bonds, assessing companies, investment theories and strategies, foreign exchange, financial derivatives, fraud, overseas investment, retirement planning, and UK taxation.
Managing commodity price risk: a supply chain perspective
- eBook
- 2012
- Janet L. Hartley, George A. Zsidisin
- Business Expert Press
Focuses on commodity price risk management. Includes chapters on price forecasting, risk management strategies for supply chains, and special advice for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Origin of financial crises: central banks, credit bubbles and the efficient market fallacy, The
- eBook
- 2008
- George Cooper
- Harriman House
Argues that the present world economy does not behave as an efficient market, and describes the decisions and systematic failures of central banks that lead to global recessions and credit crises.
Positive management: increasing employee productivity
- eBook
- 2010
- Jack Walters
- Business Expert Press
Designed to improve business management skills with a view to increasing employee productivity. Includes chapters on management strategies, organisational cultures and the philosophy of positive management.
Displaying 1-20 of 21 results
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